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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

FALL CELEBRATIONS By Kathleen Lawless @kathleenlawless


Halloween is just around the corner and I expect it will look different from past years for everyone.  Several of my historical western books are set in the fall, and Halloween figures into the story line—because, of course it does. 

In ANORA’S PRIDE, As part of his plan to properly woo Anora, Jesse stops by her home with a pumpkin they carve together as he regales her with tales of the history of All Hallow’s Eve. 

The lighting of bonfires and donning of costumes as a means to ward off evil spirits are activities the entire town of my SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS characters gets behind in BISHOP’S BRIDE, where the citizens of Bullet gather together for a night of celebration, complete with costumes, a bonfire, taffy pulls and apple bobbing.  The party is interrupted by an intruder being killed—but I digress.

Rose, the heroine, is new to what her missionary father considered a “pagan celebration” and takes to heart the myth that whoever bites their apple first will be the first to marry.  She’s intrigued with the notion that by placing her bitten apple under her pillow, she will see her soulmate in her dreams.  Of course, like any true heroine, much as Rose might try to deny her heart, she already knows the identity of her soul mate.

Historians credit Irish immigrants for the North American tradition of carving pumpkins and placing a light inside, a tribute to “Sting Jack”, a mythical trickster.  Back in Ireland, they carved potatoes or turnips which were in abundant supply, but when they arrived in the new world pumpkins were more readily available and no doubt more fun to carve.

I’m Canadian, so October is a double celebration month with first Thanksgiving, then Halloween, and an excuse to decorate and celebrate all month long, which I love.

Wishing everyone a safe and Happy Halloween,


You can learn more about my books here.

The first 3 books in the Seven Brides Series are available in a box set which includes a bonus novella you can’t get anywhere else.

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  1. Happy Belated Thanksgiving, Kathleen! And Happy Halloween. I enjoy putting a candle inside the pumpkin after he's carved, and then seeing the kiddos in their costumes. Thank you for sharing and blessings on your books. Hugs!

  2. Thanks, Julie. I really enjoy seeing so many yards decorated for the spooky celebration.

  3. I'm American so Halloween comes first and then Thanksgiving. How fun you include holidays and fall events in your stories. I love decorating thus time of year.

  4. Thanks for stopping in Marcia. I think one year you will have to visit us for thanksgiving, then we will visit you. We have so much to be thankful for.


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