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Sunday, December 27, 2020

Excitement skyrockets with the dawning of a New Year! 2021


How many of you are just plain done with 2020? I know I am. Sadly the pandemic has touched all of us in one way or another. On December 19th after a month long battle with COVID, it’s with a sad heart I say, my cousin Kimmie has passed away. She will be missed by many, and her legacy of kindness, and generosity, will be passed on through generations to come.

On a happier note, thank God and many scientists there’s a vaccine on its way! I can’t wait to get mine. It gives me hope for less deaths and more living in 2021. 

Moving to the future. I’m hoping within the ‘New Year’ life can get back to some sort of normality.  Less cases of COVID, businesses opening back up, children back in school, and so much more. I missed the Farmer’s Markets, Street Fairs, Holiday Bazaars this year where I usually meet lots of nice folks, and sell, and sign many books. 

‘Tucker,’ the cover up above is my latest release and second book in The Chasing Time series. In the story Tucker Clark a nineteenth century Tombstone Marshall saw a chance to go to the future, and, well, jumped right on it! He too wanted a brighter future for himself, his family, and the Arizona Territory. Now tell me, If you had a chance to jump into the future, would you take it? I sure would. 

Until then, why don’t you take a seat and read ‘Tucker!’ Watch as he discovers all the new inventions and marvels at the way the world has changed in over a hundred years time. And then, warm up with Tucker as he opens his heart falling head over heals in love with a beautiful, strong willed, sickly woman named Lucy, and proves love can cure all.

For your convenience here’s the link:

You can find all of my books on Kindle Unlimited and read them for free or buy them on Amazon.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and the happiest of New Years! 

Here’s a few pictures from mine.

Early Christmas morning.

My eldest daughter Mandy (Amanda Jo) with my youngest son Kyle (Jon Kyle)

Nat (Natalie Monroe) my youngest of seven grandchildren.

King (Kingston) aka Sonic the Hedgehog. Lol

King with his new Sonic fleece wrapped around him.

My lovely daughters Mandy on the the left and Holls (Hollie) on the right.

I’d love to hear from you. Find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Cowboy Kisses. Much love❤️❤️


  1. Happy New Year, Ruthie! So glad you and your family had a wonderful Christmas celebration.


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