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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

WHY WE CALL THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS BOXING DAY By Kathleen Lawless @kathleenlawless


Here in Canada, as well as Australia and other commonwealth countries, the day after Christmas is known as ‘Boxing Day’.  The holiday originated with Queen Victoria in the 1700’s, when the wealthy boxed up gifts to give to the poor. The servants went home with their boxes of treats to spend the day with their families, having worked Christmas day.  Those of us who work appreciate having the day after Christmas to recover or to shop.  Until Canada recently adopted 'Black Friday', Boxing Day was traditionally the biggest, busiest sale day of the year.  


With that in mind, it seemed an excellent time to have a BOXING DAY SALE for one of my boxed sets.  Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Volume 2 contains a not-for-sale bonus novella, and will be reduced from $9.99 to only 99 cents.  In Books 4-7 you see each unmarried Mason Brother eventually make his way to the altar.  Each book starts with a wedding.  Here is a snippet from Book 4, BLAKE'S BRIDE, setting the scene for Blake and Storm to find their way to HEA.


          It was a perfect day for a wedding.  The park’s gazebo was decked in yards and yards of ribbon, while the shiny white posts were adorned with sprays of wild flowers.  Rows of benches next to chairs borrowed from the café offered guests a spot to sit.  Smack in the center of the gazebo, the seven Mason brothers waited in a straight line.

          Storm, alongside her fellow bridesmaid, Amanda, wiped her sweaty palm on the skirt of her frock and clutched her nosegay tightly.  This was her first time being a bridesmaid.  It was also her first time in such a fancy dress, edged in lace and all, crafted by her own hand. 

          From her vantage point, Storm watched Henrietta, the bride, appear on the arm of her long-time friend Percival Bloom.  Slowly, the duo made their way across the park to the gazebo where Braydon Mason, the groom, waited along with the reverend and the wedding party.  Before today, Storm had never seen the normally confident Braydon Mason look nervous. 

          As the ceremony got underway, Storm snuck a subtle glance at Blake Mason, flanked by his brothers.  Laura, the first Mason Bride, had confided that Blake had a secret.  Storm could relate to secrets.  She had a few of her own.  If only her “big” secret was as innocent as Blake’s.  Lots of folks out west couldn’t read.  As a librarian, she was no stranger to witnessing their struggles, and happy when she was able to help. 

          Blake’s situation was a bit different, and Storm didn’t know if she could help him or not, but she had promised Laura she would try.


Learn more about Blake and the entire Mason clan in this set of four full length sweet and clean romances for only 99 cents, starting December 26th for a limited few days.


As the year winds to a close, I’m excited to be part of a new, top secret western historical series coming your way in 2021.   Happy Holidays Everyone!  See you next year.

Kathleen Lawless

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