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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Cherish Your Cherished People by Rhonda Frankhouser

Hello fellow Cowboy Kisses members. I'm not writing today about sexy cowboys, interesting history or an upcoming new release. I'm sharing a little bit of my heart as it is currently in a broken state. Please indulge my need to share.

Photo Credit

It's easy to feel anger and sadness when you lose someone you love so dearly. For most, living a full and wholesome 78 years, is a true gift. To those left behind, doomed to live the rest of their lives without that loving presence, it's far too short.  

My family and I lost a true, honest and giving soul this past week. A god-fearing man who proudly served his country; gave of his time and heart to whomever needed him; and raised a beautiful family with his wife of over fifty years. He was a father who taught by example, how to be a good and loving human being. My father-in-law, Bill Frankhouser, Sr, was someone to emulate. Someone to value. Someone to remember. 

My husband, Bill Jr, with his father, Bill Sr. His best friend and hero, playing Pebble Beach!

* * *

This story is not so different than the thousands now being told in the wake of the pandemic. We are not more special than the next family who lost a loved one due to complications from CoVid 19, but for us, this is devastating, this loss is raw, and real, and has created pain that needs to be expelled from my soul.

I'm not going to preach to you about precautions and vaccines. My purpose is not to spew more frustration to an already frustrated society. My purpose is to call attention to this very important realization. Please, whatever you do, stop hating and blaming and start loving and living again. Time is running out for all of us. We will all lose someone, we will all die from something, someday. Stop wasting your time!

Please - take my advice - use your time to cherish.

You see, it's not the 'things' we miss about our loved ones when they're gone. It's the love and fullness that disappears with them when they leave us. It's the empty silence once filled with their laughter, that echoes against a broken heart. How will we ever survive without that unconditional love, wisdom, and sincere embrace when we need it most?

My message, should you choose to hear me, is >>>>Do not wait until it's too late to show them how much you care. Pay attention. Take the time. Listen!

A list of things I wish I would have asked?

  • What is your favorite thing?
  • What would you like to see before it's too late?
  • What would you have liked to have done different with your life?
  • Tell me all about my grandparents? Family history? Family secrets?
  • What can I do to make your life better?
  • Will you name all the people in all these old pictures?
  • And so on, and so on, and so on....

Ask your questions. Show your love and appreciation, Every! Single! Day!

My family's world is smaller, and ever so much sadder with the loss of this amazing man. Our patriarch. Our Friend. Our Hero. Our Father. Rest in Peace. Thank you for the understanding and kindness you bestowed on us. We will do our best to make you proud and we look forward to seeing you again one day.

Thanks for listening.

Beloved ghosts, twisted mysteries, and timeless love are my specialty!

Award-winning author, Rhonda Frankhouser, pens stories with beloved ghosts, twisted mysteries, and timeless love. Her favorite genres are Western and Contemporary Romance, with the occasional mainstream tear-jerker to keep things interesting. Rhonda's Ruby's Ranch Series, earned a starred review in Publisher's Weekly; a finalist honor in the Uncaged Review Raven Awards; a second runner up in the prestigious InD'Tale Magazine RONE awards and a Book and Benches, Reviewers Top Pic ~ Books of Distinction award. Her follow up Shadowing Souls Series and Let Yourself Believe Series, have captured the attention of both romance and mainstream readers alike. After a lifetime in Central California, Rhonda and her own knight in shining armor, moved to beautiful Northeast Georgia to embark on a brand new journey.

Subscribe to Rhonda's webpage at
Follow Rhonda on Facebook

  • Return to Ruby's Ranch - Book 1 Ruby's Ranch Series - RONE Award Runner Up
  • Escape from Ruby's Ranch, Book 2 Ruby's Ranch Series - Raven Award Runner Up
  • Legacy of Ruby's Ranch, Book 3 Ruby's Ranch Series
  • Christmas at Ruby's Ranch
  • Health Nut CafĂ©
  • Beyond Forever - Let Yourself Believe Series


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss, Rhonda. Many prayers to you and your family.

  2. My deepest condolences to you and your family, Rhonda. May you find some comfort in your loving memories. Be well. xoxo

  3. Well said, Rhonda. Loss is HARD. Definitely learning to live for what is important and surprised at what isn't all that important. Hugs and Love to you!!


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