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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Living History

 Living History 

Post by Lynn Landes


I wish someone could have made history come to life for in middle school as I slept through class. My history teacher Mrs. Snyder couldn’t, not even when she threw the eraser at me to wake me up in class! Funny, yet true. 

Now, as a mother of three, I have been introduced to antiquing by my kids. Who knew? While my husband looks at vintage tools, my son is fascinated with vintage records, and anything weapon related, (he’s sixteen) my daughter is drawn to books, and vintage furniture, the one thing we all have in common is vintage letters, or newspapers. 

It started by accident when I found a copy of a newspaper, “Harper’s Weekly,” from 1866. I carried it home and sat at the table and carefully opened the yellowed, fragile paper and began reading. Soon, my twenty-three-year-old who was visiting, sat down, then his girlfriend, next my younger son, and my daughter!



History came to life for us as we read the passionate political speeches and looked at the incredible pictures. The language was lyrical and beautiful, mesmerizing to read, and as my son said, “Listen to this mom,” and read one article out loud, I was struck by the moment of multiple generations sitting together. 

I’m hooked. Every time we go antiquing, they are all searching for newspapers or ribbon wrapped letters from the past. It’s amazing and makes my heart happy.

To think what it took to print at this time period blows my mind. Not just the articles but the incredible printed images. This paper gave credit in the back to the young artist who engraved one image into a block of wood, which was then used to create the print. 

As an author it paints for me images of the past that are real. From clothing advertisements, to medicine, to job advertisements and menus at local restaurants. It’s amazing! I love that I have living facts, to help me paint a more realistic picture of how people were living in that moment of history. If only Mrs. Snyder, my history teacher, had known. 

 The last page had a column titled, “Home and Foreign Gossip.” This is the inspiration for my next book. I was inspired to write it after realizing the power these weekly papers held. It was the social media for the past! If it was printed, people believed it! Crazy to see that hasn’t changed much. 

What happens when a young lady’s life is turned upside down by the power of the printed word?  My new novel will explore the power of gossip and how it can impact loved ones, businesses, even ones standing in the community or church. 


Lynn Landes
BESTSELLING AUTHOR - Illumination Award Winner 
Check out Lynn's many titles at:


Post (c) Lynn Landes All Rights Reserved.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lynn: Welcome to the Cowboy Kisses team! Love this blog. As I read, I imagined everything you described. I'm thinking I may need to go antiquing and find some old newspapers or letters. We have something in common; I slept through history class in high school. How I passed I don't know. Must have been all those nights doing homework! Thank you for sharing.


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