Author Pages

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Noodles - Memories

 Post by Doris McCraw

writing as Angela Raines

Inside of Hornbeck's 1880s kitchen
photo property of the author

In the town I grew up in, there was a woman who made homemade noodles. They were the best I tasted then, or since. Now that I no longer can eat gluten I do miss them. 

Before I left for college, she imparted the secret to making this wonderful food. It was the basis for heavenly beef and noodles to say nothing equally tasty chicken and noodles. She would make a large batch, probably due to her cooking for the farmhands in her early married life. Born in 1893, she lived a long life, passing in 1982. She'd painted the outside of her two-story house when she was in her seventies and was active her whole life. Perhaps it was something in her noodles. Probably not, but who knows?

Courthouse near where I grew up.
Yes, Abraham Lincoln spoke there.

Since I loved them, I thought I'd share the 'secret' with you. Of course, there are probably many who know this same recipe but just in case, here it is.  

Eggs, milk, flour, and salt. So simple, and easy to make.

Crack the eggs into a bowl. Usually, two make a nice batch. Fill half an eggshell with milk. One half eggshell per egg. Add a pinch of salt to taste. Usually one cup of flour per egg, more or less. Mix all the ingredients into a sticky ball. Place additional flour on a pastry board then knead the noodle mixture to a smooth ball. 

Roll the ball to desired thickness, 1/8 to 1/4. Cut the rolled batter to the desired width. 

At this point, I would usually put the noodles into the broth to cook, but she would set them aside to dry. Either works.

So the next time you would like an old-fashioned meal, you might try this lovely lady's noodles.

Although she didn't make noodles, Clara in my novella, "Home for His Heart" used food to catch the heart of the man she loved and the rest of the town where she had a restaurant.

Clara hummed as she put the finishing touches on the meal. 

Every year since she had arrived in Agate Gulch she prepared

a special meal for friends. The past year had been especially

wonderful. Even the gingham curtains on the restaurant 

windows seemed to smile with her tune.


Doris Gardner-McCraw -

Author, Speaker, Historian-specializing in
Colorado and Women's History

Author of the 'Agate Gulch' novellas and the 'Kiowa Wells' novels

Angela Raines - author: Telling Stories Where Love & History Meet

(c) Doris McCraw 2021 All Rights Reserved.


  1. What a sweet memory, Doris. My German grandmother made dumplings with flour, egg and water. I make them the same way to this day. So much fun when we can incorporate something so simple from the past. Hugs!

  2. It is, Julie. It just brings back so many wonderful memories. I can just see you making those dumplings, and I know they have to be good. Doris

  3. Elizabeth ClementsJune 10, 2021 at 2:16 PM

    My mom and my grandmother made their own noodles, rolling them out on a special board, then cutting them. They didn't have a gadget for doing this easier. I still make dumplings for my stews or bolster up a canned suit by mixing up flour and 2 eggs and salt and beating into a soft dough then dropping by spoonfuls into the simmering liquid. It's amazing what these ladies could make with two ingredients and I regret I didn't write down the recipes. My grandmother would make mounds of dough then with oil and water, steam them until the buns were cooked. I especially loved the crust and could make a meal out of them alone. Adding a bit of milk to the dough is interesting and I'll have to try that next time I make noodles. Thanks for the recipe. Great post made me homesick for those homemade noodles.

  4. Elizabeth, I miss being able to eat them. Like you, I am truly amazed at how such simple ingredients made such wonderful food. Doris


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