Author Pages

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Cowboy Kisses News ~ Julie lence

 Hello Readers.

June and July have brought some changes to the Cowboy Kisses team. Authors Andrea Downing and Patti Sherry-Crews have departed the blog to concentrate on their writing, but not to worry. I'm excited to announce two new members to the team; Lynn Landes and Lianna Hawkins. Each write western romance and some of you may have read Lynn's 1st post last week. (Lianna's 1st post will be the 3rd Friday in August.) 

I invite you to get to know Lynn and Lianna better by checking out their author pages, located on the right side tool bar.  They are also on the Facebook group, so be sure to look for them there. 

As always, have a great day and Thank You for your continued support. 




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