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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Recipes from Home... by Rhonda Frankhouser

Life is in transition once again, which makes me miss home even more than usual. Even in the heat of summer, there's nothing I love more than a little home cooking. Here's a few of the recipes that always bring home to me.

Rhonda’s Chicken Dressing 


2 C roast chicken (shredded)

2 sticks of real butter

1 C sliced celery

1 C chopped red onion

½ C finely chopped pecans

2 (10 ½ oz.) cans Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom Soup

2 boxes Stove Top Chicken stuffing (regular size boxes)

2 boxes Stove Top Cornbread stuffing

3 C Swanson’s Chicken Broth

3 C water (for stuffing mix)

Salt and Pepper to taste

3 boiled eggs (optional)


1.       In a large sauce pan, saute onion and celery in butter over low heat until translucent.

2.      Add water and chicken broth to mix and heat until it boils.

3.      Remove from heat, stir in the stuffing mixes, including spice packets and cover for 5 minutes.

4.      Stir in Cream of Mushroom soup, chicken, pecans and salt and pepper to taste. (If needed, add additional chicken broth until the mixture is moist).

5.      Pour mixture into baking pan, smooth flat and push (peeled) boiled eggs in below the surface (if desired).

6.      Bake at 375 degrees until the top is browned (30-45 minutes).


  • Boil box of spaghetti noodles with a little olive oil and garlic (powder or a couple of cloves)
  • Brown a lb of ground beef or ground turkey in a little olive oil
  • Add chopped medium red onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic chopped (or I get that paste in the tube and squeeze out a couple inches)
  • Season to taste (but not too much cause the sauce has seasonings too.)
    • Salt
    • Pepper
    • Oregano
    • Onion Powder
  • Basil (I use the basil paste in a tube for this too. Like an inch squeeze)
  • Sometimes I add a tsp of red pepper flakes if you wanna spice it up
  • Add 1 large can of Hunts Traditional Sauce (Yes, the cheap stuff)
  • Add 1 large can of Hunts Meat Sauce
  • And if it still needs more sauce for you, I add a small can of tomato sauce.
  • Add a ½ to a cup of Kraft Parmesan Cheese to thicken/enhance the flavor.
  • The trick is putting it all together in a crock pot on low after it’s all cooked, to let it simmer and get a little sticky. Stir a lot. And taste it to see if you need more of one thing or another. Get an extra Hunts sauce just in case you want more saucy. Sometimes it can get too dry.
  • Basil Leaves (if you like them)
  • Parmesan Cheese to top


Rhonda Frankhouser
Award-Winning Author

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