Author Pages

Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Puzzle and a Funny by Zina Abbott


Who has time or the inclination to write an involved, well-researched post on the day before Christmas? 

Not me. 

I’m already  "Christmas Crazy” and sure I’ll forget something vital that needs to be done by tomorrow. That is why my post will consist of a puzzle and a funny – something to give you a break from the stress of the season.

First, the puzzle. I love the “atmosphere” of this photo. I hope you enjoy working it:


Second, the funny. I don’t know how long I’ve had this saved or from where I got it. It tickled my funny bone again, so here it is:


Clyde, I don't think the kids are going to buy it.


Merry Christmas!


If you are looking for some sweet Christmas romances to read over the next week, here are my two I wrote this year:


My An Impostor for Christmas book, Mail Order Letitia, is available in print, as an ebook, and at no additional cost with your Kindle Unlimited subscription. To find the book description and link,

 please CLICK HERE.




My Old Timey Holiday Kitchen romance,

Figgy Pudding by Francine

is now available as a print book, an ebook, and free with your Kindle Unlimited subscription.



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