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Thursday, January 27, 2022

Cowboy Kisses News~ Julie Lence

Greetings Cowboy Kisses! 

Over the past few weeks, Cowboy Kisses has bid farewell to some of its team members. Please help me wish all the best to Paty Jager, Danni Roan, Lynn Landes, Lianna Hawkins, and Stephanie Berget and they continue on different paths in their writing careers. 

All is not lost. Please join me in giving a grand hello to new team members, Rhonda Lee Carver, T.K. Conklin and Raine Rochelle. Each writes western romance and you can get to know them better by checking out their authors pages located on the right hand side bar. Rhonda, T.K., and Raine will begin blogging in February. Look for Rhonda the 3rd Wednesday of each month, for T.K. the 3rd Monday of each month, and for Raine the 1st Friday of each month. And be sure to catch them on the Facebook Group page and the Twitter page. 

Welcome to Cowboy Kisses Rhonda, T.K. and Raine!! We are blessed to have you on our team.


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