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Sunday, January 23, 2022

Interview with Skylar Clark


Hello, and a big thank you for joining me here on Cowboy Kisses! 

I've brought a special guest in today and she's agreed to an exclusive interview only with Cowboy Kisses.

RUTHIE: "Welcome, Skyler. It's so nice to have you here. As a matter of fact it feels as if I already know you." 

SKYLAR: "It's my pleasure to be here, Ruthie. Thank you for writing mine and Jesse's story."

RUTHIE:  "I enjoyed writing 'The Tombstone Ghost Cowboy' series renamed and rewritten now as The 'Chasing Time' series, but the truth is it practically wrote itself. You realize from the moment you appeared in Jesse's rented room at The Historical Bird Cage Theater, where my family and I were on the tour, you and Jesse took possession of my mind for the rest of my vacation and a few more years after that."

SKYLAR: she chuckles, "It sounds to me like we still have possession of your mind."

RUTHIE: "You've got that right. There's still a few more stories to tell, but we'll get back to the rest of the Clark family later. For now, Skylar, why don't you tell us your first thought after entering the Historical Bird Cage Theater?" 

SKLAR: "Excitement, I was transferred back in time from the get go. The Saloon was absolutely incredible. The famous cherry wood bar, the portrait of Fatima, old photographs of famous people who had lived and many who had died there. Knowing there were ghosts from the past still lingering in the building made the Cage even more enticing. There was something about the cage and, well, the entire town of Tombstone or as some call it 'The town to tough to die' that made me feel like I was finally home. Back to my roots. I guess I watched too many westerns with my mom while growing up." 

RUTHIE: "Sounds familiar.  What did you find was the most interesting part of the Cage?"

SKYLAR: (She lifts one perfect eyebrow) "Ruthie, I think you already know the answer Is my husband Jesse Clark." 

RUTHIE:  I smile, then wink at her, "Let me rephrase. Besides the handsome Ghost Cowboy, what interested you the most?"

SKYLAR: "Well, I guess that would be the fourteen cages built up on the walls where the naughty ladies of the night would entertain their guests, unseen if they pulled the red drapes closed. I thought it interesting that the Black Moriah was stored inside the building as well. You know it's said, "it ate a man for breakfast each morning."

RUTHIE: "Yes, that's what I've heard. So many deaths in what was a small town that grew to thousands almost over night during the great silver boom." 

SKYLAR: "As you declined the stairs to the small casino where it is documented that the longest poker game in history was played, did you feel the presence of paranormal activity?"

SKYLAR: "It was either that or a sense of nostalgia. As I stepped downward I searched the portraits hanging on the wall to see if there was any one I recognized from history, books and old western movies or TV sitcoms. Because of the large crowd it was a slow decline. I recognized the famous Earp brother's, Doc Holiday, and other notorious outlaws of the day. When we reached the small casino I imagined those men slouched comfortably in them chairs playing poker or faro and frolicking with the doves as they served them drinks."

RUTHIE: "Tell me about what happened when you turned from the poker hall to the rented rooms and peeked through the peeping hole where Wyatt Earp and Josephine frequented."

SKYLAR: "Let's start from the beginning. I was talking to my mom on my cellphone and I told her to 'wish me luck that I would spot a handsome ghost cowboy.' So, when I peered through the peephole at first everything seemed normal of what you would imagine to be in a room from the nineteenth century. Dresser's lamp's and a bed. Then my eyes landed on the bed and I felt this tingling at the back of my neck. And that's when it happened."

RUTHIE: "That's when what happened?"

SKYLAR:  "A handsome half-dressed cowboy appeared out of thin air. His eyes caught mine. They were angry eyes. He bellowed for me to get in there and do my job. The ghost could talk!"

RUTHIE: "That must have been alarming. What happened next?"

SKYLAR: "I closed my eyes and leaned against the door thinking my over-active imagination was at it again. I believed when my eyelids rose he'd be gone. He wasn't. Right away I realized I was no longer behind the safety of the door. The dingy old room that was covered with antiques a moment before was suddenly bright and shiny and the antiques were not antiques but were brand new.  Then I noticed my clothes were different and about lost my breakfast. I had on a red dress the type that the doves wore instead of my jeanshorts and T-shirt I had dressed in that morning. I later figured out I had transported from the 21st century back in time to the 19th century and Jesse thought I was a whore who was late arriving to his room. He was rude, angry, and drunk. He was trying to get me naked and I was fighting his every move until he kissed me and all reason left my thoughts."  (She chuckles).

RUTHIE: "Isn't it amazing how true love can mend a shattered heart? Given a chance would you time-travel all over again?"

SKYLAR: "Absolutely. As a matter of fact Jesse and I plan to return again next December for Kate and Daniel's wedding reception, and if I'm not mistaken Marissa and Little John plan on bringing John's older brother Peyton along with them. They're praying that the modern medicine of the 21st century will be able to help Peyton with his leg injuries sustained from his time at war."

RUTHIE: "That's a wonderful idea. I wish I would have thought of it first."

SKYLAR: "Get busy writing, girl. The rest of your characters and I are tired of waiting around in your head. We prefer to be out riding the ranges, chasing the bad guy's or holding our lover close." 

RUTHIE: "Tell them I'll be starting on book 4 as soon as I'm finished with my standalone 'Cowboy Crush' I've written this last year and am now editing. I'm hoping to publish in the spring. Thanks' for visiting and I hope you'll come back soon."

SKYLAR: "It was a pleasure. By the way, Valentine's day will be coming soon and I hope you and your sweetheart Jon enjoy a real special day!" 

RUTHIE: "That's right, and my next post isn't until the end of February. Skylar I wish the same to you and Jesse, and while I'm at it 'Happy Valentine's Day' to all of you reader's as well!💖💖💖

As a token of my appreciation to you reader's I'm giving JESSE of The Chasing Time series away for FREE the week of Valentine's Day 2022! The link is below. xoxoxo

I hope you come back and visit me on the fourth Monday of February. I'm also on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more. 



1 comment:

  1. Great interview, Ruthie!! And Congrats on your upcoming release.


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