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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Transportation .... West

 Studying American history is one of my favorite pastimes.

When the Europeans came to this land, there were no roads. Movement of goods, people, and exploration was conducted by waterways. As the land became settled and different modes of transportation developed.Wagons and movement of goods over land needed roads. Roads that would not become marred down due to weather. Reliable transportation to get goods to market. As the 20th century marked the development of automobiles, the marks of our explorers were placed in the American Auto industry. 

Early models were often referred to as Motor WAGONS. The skeleton's on which the metal was place had been developed by Studebaker, who had for many years built wagons and carts.You can often still see the emblems on the door cell of most cars today.

                                     The original Benz Patent-Motorwagen, first built in 1885

The forties and fifties were times when troops returned. Money jingled in their pockets. The top movie stars included John Wayne, who is synonymous with the western expansion, alpha male heroes, and adventure. My father swore by Plymouth cars - Plymouth, where the Pilgrims landed. He drove a DeSoto - Spanish explorer of the west. Other companies did the same.

Do you remember these western models:  Bronco, Expedition, Ranger, Colt, Mustang, Silverado, Colorado, Wrangler, Explorer, Puma, Territory, Maverick, Del Rio, Ranchero, Thunderbird, Durango, Cougar, Road Runner, Arrow, Apache, Montana, Wagoneer, Wangler, Cherokee, Tahoe, Sierra, Yukon, Canyon, .

Cars were named to appeal to the male but I must admit ladies, they appeal to the wanderlust in me as well.

How many of these autos have you driven inspired by the west ???

For me it's been : Maverick, Wangler, Colorado, Tahoe.


 Till next time,

Nan O'Berry


1 comment:

  1. Great picture, Nan! I don't think I've seen this early 'car' with 3 wheels. The only one I've owned (and still do) is the Durango, though I have been in a Tahoe. Thanks for sharing.


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