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Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Valentine's Day every day! FREE book!

 Happy Valentine's Week!

In the 5th century A.D., a pope declared February 14th as a day to celebrate Saint Valentine who is said to have married couples in secret after marriage was banned. His efforts resulted in his execution. Valentine's Day has evolved. Now it's a celebration of love, romance, friendship, and admiration. All the things that make a romance novel.

Valentine's has passed, but who says lovers can only celebrate one day a year? Keep love alive by doing sweet, meaningful things often.

Are you someone who never knows what to do to make your sweetie feel special?

Are you someone who likes to find unusual, eccentric gifts?

There are many ways to make your Valentine feel special without breaking the bank. Here are some suggestions... 

Name a star after her/him. Yes, this is real. (Check out Google)

Buy all the ingredients for his/her favorite meal and prepare it together. Add candles and wine.

Each of you write five date night ideas on scraps of paper. Drop them in an envelope and once a month, reach in and grab one of the ideas (no peeking). This is your special date night.

Spa night. Wash and brush your woman's hair. Paint her nails and toenails. Give each other massages by candlelight. Shave your man's beard. Give him a mani and pedi. The sky is the limit. We all love pampering.

Yoga class. Don't worry. This doesn't require an expert in yoga or flexibility even. Better yet, take a couple's class together.

Blindfold your sweetie, drive them to a favorite, private spot and listen to songs, dance like no one's watching (because if no one's around they won't be), drink wine, and pretend you're a teen again with no worries or cares. (NO drinking and driving though)

There are lots of ways to keep romance alive. Not just on Valentine's Day.

Have you read my The Brother's of Dove Grey Series yet?

All Cowboy and Charm is FREE!

From Book 1

What happens at a fertility clinic stays at a fertility clinic...unless there's an accidental switch-a-roo...

Successful author Melanie Jane decided after a very public divorce that she would prove to the world, especially her critiques, that she didn’t need a man to make her dreams come true. So, she wrote a best seller and used a fertility clinic to get pregnant. An accidental switch-a-roo left Melanie curious…who was the father of her baby?

Coop Dawson was still grieving the loss of his twin brother when some lady showed up at the family ranch and announced that she was pregnant by Cade, impossible since he’d been gone for over a year. Coop didn’t have the patience for scam artists. He told her exactly how he felt then made her hit the road. Yet, after reading a letter from a fertility clinic, he realized she’d been telling the truth. Now he needed to turn things around fast before he lost the chance at knowing Cade’s child.

Sometimes tragedy can bring a family closer…and bring unexpected gifts.

Coop needed to step up for the first time in his life and do the right thing for everyone. He promised his brother in a late-night prayer that he’d take care of the child—but what Coop didn’t realize he was already falling for Melanie and he couldn’t imagine life without her. Will she learn to trust him? Or will he screw up every chance he’d been given?

Buy here

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  1. All great ideas to keep the romance alive, though I can't imagine giving hubbs a mani/pedi, lol! Thank you Rhonda.

  2. I did not realize how Valentine's Day started. Thanks for the info.
    Book One sounds like a great read.


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