Author Pages

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Guest Author Linda Broday


Bestselling author Linda Broday sweeps readers back to the wild and untamed West, where men became the stuff of legend, with:

·        Two young lovers ripped apart

·        A family feud turned deadly

·        A secret waiting to be unearthed

·        And a passion no one could ever deny


Crockett Legend has always loved Paisley Mahone, but a family feud sure can ruin a romance. When her father turned against the powerful Legend clan, she took her family's side and broke Crockett's heart into pieces. Now her father's dead and Paisley and her last remaining brother are convinced the Legends are to blame.

If only he can find a way to prove his innocence...

A chance meeting throws the two warring hearts together, and when their train is held up by outlaws, Crockett and Paisley have to team up to save a young boy from dying. A tenuous truce is born. Together they may have a chance of bringing the truth to light...if they can get to the bottom of who's been trying to turn the two powerful families against each other. With so many secrets to unbury, it isn't long before Paisley finds herself in the crosshairs, but Crockett vows there'll be hell to pay if anyone hurts the woman he loves—or stands in the way of a Legend in the making.


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Crockett smoothed Paisley’s hair back from her face. “It’s impossible to predict your brother. Try not to dwell on what he’s done. Just stay alert and watchful. I’ll keep an eye out as well. If I have to, I’ll post some men outside your house.”

“Thank you. I’m probably being silly.” Paisley hated to leave. Her brother scared her.

“Not at all. We need to get some sleep. If you want, I’ll bed down in your parlor. Would that make you feel better?”

Paisley smiled and laid a hand on the side of his face. “You’d be miserable, and I’d worry about the crick in your neck come morning. Sleep in your own bed. I’ll lock the doors. You and I have a busy day lined up tomorrow. I mean to talk to Stoker about the message in the diary at some point. I know he’ll be busy though.”

Still, she wanted to talk to him. Could she be right about her mother leaving an envelope? What could be in it?

“Yes, he’s going back out to the explosion site.” Crockett paused. “You should know Stoker wired the Texas Rangers when we got back tonight. Your brother is treading on dangerous ground, and it’s no longer just a feud between our two families. He’s going to wind up either dead or in prison.”

That had been coming for a long while, and Farrel had lost their father’s protection.

“Somehow, I always knew it would come to this.” Paisley shuddered. “I’m so glad Hilda, Tye, and I got out of there when we did.”

“Lady, if you hadn’t, I would’ve come and gotten you tonight.”

Despite the serious nature of their talk, a smile curved her lips. “I like it when you get all Legend on me.”

“Get ready for more of that. I won’t stand for anyone hurting you.”

The rough pad of his thumb brushed her cheek. She knew without a doubt that if anyone did harm her, he’d go after them with a vengeance. He was a Legend, and Legend men took care of their ladies like no other.

Weary to her bones, she rested her head on his broad shoulder. His arms came around her, and it was like he’d wrapped her in a warm cocoon, protected and safe. She needed this man and his strength for a few moments until she could find her own.

“Ah, my beautiful Firefly.”

He claimed her mouth hungrily, but with such sweet gentleness, sweeping her to a place of peace and calm. Her knees gave way, and had he not held her, she’d have fallen. She slipped her arms around his waist, clinging to him, trying not to think of what would come next.

Right now, this moment, was all that mattered.

With the deepening kiss, his mouth softened, and she held on.

Tomorrow, she’d find her courage and be brave.

This was what she’d longed for, dreamed of for so long, but part of her warned that it was dangerous to trust and even more risky to love. Yet, though she’d tried to deny it, the love she’d once had for him had never left but continued to live inside her, at times emerging as a small sigh of hope.

Paisley trembled as he murmured her name against her mouth. This thing they’d found on a sweltering summer day burned through her blood. Her heart fluttered wildly as her breath became ragged.

She pulled back, searching the strong lines of his face, the brown depths of his eyes. Anguish twisted inside her. “Crockett, what are we doing? This didn’t work before. How can it now?”

“It can if we both want this. I’ve learned how to protect the feelings I have for you, and I think you have too. Relationships are fragile things that require loving care to flourish and grow. I didn’t do that before, but I’m ready to give ours another try. We deserve a second chance. Don’t you think?” He released his hold. “I don’t know if I can find the strength to ask many more times.”

“I’m afraid of failing again.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “To fail once more will destroy me.”

He lifted her chin with a finger. “When everything is right, you won’t be scared. I just ask that you not shut me out. Let me court you, let me woo you over. One chance is all I’m asking. If it doesn’t work, I’ll walk away and never bother you again.”

The sincerity of his words, his gentleness, told her she’d regret not trusting him. He was different now. So was she. Older. Wiser. Their landscape was littered with craters. But she couldn’t miss the love on his face. She had to trust him.

“Yes. Yes, I will try again. I feel things for you that I’ve never felt for anyone else.”

“That’s all I need,” he said softly, kissing her forehead. “Good night.”

“Good night, Crockett.” She stepped away, her heart lighter. She’d let go of a little more of the past.

“Wait,” he called. “Let me see you home just to be on the safe side. Who knows what the shadows hold.”

They spoke little on the short walk. He brushed a light kiss to her lips and told her to lock the door when she got inside, then he was gone.

            Paisley bolted the lock and leaned against the door, her fingers to her mouth. His kiss burned on her lips, his soft breath fluttering across her face. Of all the men in all the world, he was the one she wanted.    

Linda is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of historical western romance books and short stories. In the Texas Panhandle, she resides on ancient land that carries the voices of those who’ve gone before on the wind. If she closes her eyes and gets real still, she often hears them whispering stories her my ear.

Linda's love of history and the Old West was born from watching TV westerns and visiting museums and libraries. She's always been an avid reader and books opened up entirely new exciting worlds that seemed limited only by her imagination.

Cowboys have always fascinated Linda and she often thinks she was born 150 years too late. She loves writing about those men, their ladies, and the struggles they endure in trying to carve out a small place to call home. Western romance is her passion and she feels truly blessed. Humble roots and the love of family have become focal points in her stories. She sincerely hope readers enjoy what she strives to bring to life on the printed page.

To connect with Linda, visit her here: 


  1. Congratulations on your new release, Linda! Crockett and Paisley sound like a wonderful couple for people to get to know. Hugs.

  2. Thank you so much for having me, Julie! I was in a panic yesterday thinking I'd missed this. A Man of Legend is about second chances, forgiving past hurts, and grabbing love before it gets away again. I hope readers will give it a try. There's danger, buried secrets, poison, greed, and most of all passion. To lighten the dark subjects, I added a parrot named Casanova and he became a delightful character all his own. Love and hugs, Julie.

  3. Linda, I am so excited for the release of this amazing finale:
    My review:
    Once in a great while, an author comes along and gives us a family who will lay claim to our hearts, become part of our own family, and remain forever in our soul.

    What an amazing finale to the Legend Family, a series that Linda Broday has brought alive and placed into our hearts for the last 6 years.
    “Famous across Texas, the Legends stand ready to take on any challenge that comes their way.”

    A Man Of Legend has it all, revenge, humor, family, and love!

    Crockett and Paisley were such a powerhouse couple.
    I love their willingness to put aside their teenage breakup, their ability to bury their family’s feud, and rekindle the love that poured out of each of their hearts.

    The secondary characters were powerful in this story.
    Wait until you meet Casanova, he stole the show with his “Walk The Plank”, “Kiss Me Baby”, and anything else he randomly blurted out.
    Dallum certainly will squeeze fans hearts as this young cowboy never gave up hope, thanks to Paisley’s determination to save his future.
    Hilda and Tye were destined for a tortured future, but as Legends are known to do, they invited them onto the LoneStar Ranch, embraced them with courage, strength, and love.

    One of my favorite quotes in the book: Just wait until you read what this refers too!
    “Sometimes you won some and sometimes lost. And sometimes, if a person was lucky, they got a little miracle.”

    What an incredible ending to a phenomenal series, that will live on forever in our heart and soul.

  4. Miss Tonya, thank you so much for coming by. I'm always very happy to see you. Bless you for the uplifting words about the book and my series. I always try my best to give a reader a story that will stick in their minds and maybe give them a little something to think about. I've been immensely blessed by readers' who let me know how much they appreciate what I do or maybe how I've changed their life in some way. I'm especially thankful for your constant love and support. I love you dearly.

  5. This is such a GREAT story!! Congratulations on the release, sister. I know everyone is going to love Crockett and Paisley. I certainly did!! Best wishes for stunning success!

  6. Thank you, Jan. I appreciate the hug. Thanks for all your love and support. Love you, sister.


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