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Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Character Interview with Hunter Barlow ~ Julie Lence


November 2021 saw the release of Hunter, Jackson Creek Series Book 3. A hunky army sergeant carrying out his last detail as supply clerk, Hunter is Slade and Landry Barlow’s younger brother. Raised alongside them in a brothel, Hunter isn’t quite the outlaw that Slade and Landry are. That’s not to say he doesn’t have a bit of larceny in him. He does, and he’s looking to settle a score with Slade and Landry for forgetting their promise to come back for him. They left him at their California childhood home with Ma. Maddie Barlow wasn’t much of a mother and the brothel wasn’t much of a home, and the house lent to him for army headquarters is little better than the captain’s tent, but Tawny’s there… 

From headquarter’s kitchen table, with a cup of coffee before him, Hunter clears his throat as the questions begin:     

Tell us a bit about Tawny. What did you think the 1st time you saw her?

(A devilish grin spreads on his lips) She was standing behind the saloon next to the other working girl and emptying a bucket of water. When she swiveled around toward me, I think I forgot how to breathe. Most of Ma’s girls were pretty, but never had I seen eyes as blue as Tawny’s.    

What was your 2nd thought?

That she most likely favors coins and brandy over what matters most in life. Ma’s girls did, and they weren’t shy about letting a man know that.  

Did you feel it was love at 1st sight?

Reckon that punch to my gut was love, but at the time, the thinking part of me wouldn’t admit that, reminded me I wasn’t looking for a woman, especially a working girl. Not because I looked down on them, but because working girls weren’t interested in keeping time with me, same as my brothers. (Pauses a moment, takes a long swallow of coffee.) The thinking part of me just liked her eyes.   

What do you like most about Tawny?

The shyness behind her smile… how her nose twitches like a rabbit… how she fusses over me… (That wicked grin returns) How soft she feels lying against me. She’s feisty and has a good heart, and she loves me unconditionally. Ain’t a  luckier bastard than me. 

How would Tawny describe you?

Hmmm… (He scrubs a hand over his jaw.) She must see something good in me; she did agree to work for me that first night. And she likes my muscles. (His gaze clouds over with thoughtfulness as he takes another swallow of coffee.) Reckon she’d say I’m honest and a hard-worker, someone she depends upon… someone she trusts with her heart.   

What is your biggest fear?

Waking up to learn that everything I gained since coming to Jackson Creek was a dream; my brothers still don’t bother with me and Tawny took the coins I paid her for cooking and cleaning and left town.    

 How do you relax?

I don’t. There’s always something needing done. If I take a day off, it’s means double the work the following day.     

Who is your favorite fictional character?

(Laughs) You’re funny. With all of my chores and taking charge of Tawny’s happiness… my own happiness… do you honestly think I have time to read something other than a list of supplies?  

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

To know happiness, I must forgive my brothers. Tawny said that, and I’ve come to learn she’s a smart woman.

Thank you for sharing more of yourself with us today, Hunter. It was a pleasure getting to know you.

You’re welcome.

To learn if Hunter’s fear of waking up to discover everything he gained in Jackson Creek was a dream,  grab a copy of his story at Amazon and find out if he gets his happily-ever-after.  



  1. Thanks for sharing a bit of Hunter with us. I loved your series about the brothers and think you tied it up well.

  2. Thank you, Agnes. So glad you enjoyed the series.

  3. Thanks for sharing a great interview, Julie.

  4. Thank you for taking the time to get to know Hunter, Lynda. He definitely is a man worth knowing. Hugs!


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