Author Pages

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

The Price is Right--Author, Rhonda Lee Carver


Scrolling through Amazon, you'll see books of all genres at all different prices. For my traditionally published books, I have no control over the prices, but for my self-published lot, I can name the price. I'm not exactly a control freak, but I like having my hand in the cookie jar, so to speak.

I posted a question on Facebook asking what prices readers are willing to pay for an ebook and if certain aspects, like whether the author is unknown or the book is in a series, makes a difference. I received lots of helpful feedback. After all, who better to ask than those who buy.

What I heard was, readers will spend in upwards of $7.00, but are comfy at $2.99-3.99. What are some considerations?

1. If the book is in a series

2. Word count

3. If one book in the series is free

What I learned most is readers love series.

Have you read my The Brothers of Dove Grey Series? All Cowboy and Pure Country is up for Pre-order.

Gianna Mosley has it all. As a top influencer engaged to a baseball star, Sunny Banks, what more could she want?

A faithful fiancé?

Her assistant announces on a radio talk show that she and Sunny are having an affair and they’re in love, and Gianna’s world comes crashing down. The media has a field day with the scandal and fans blame her. Fast forward two years, she’s moved on from Sunny, but when she reads that he’s engaged to her ex-assistant, Gianna can’t help but feel a slap in her face.

Carter Dawson is celebrating his birthday over a couple of drinks and chicken wings at the local honky-tonk when he thinks it’d be funny to text his old friend and ask her to marry him. After all, when they were kids, they’d made a pact that if they were still single at thirty, they’d marry each other. When he wakes up the next morning with a fiancée, the joke is no longer funny. His name is plastered all over social media as the new Mr. Mosley. 
What the hell?

She went about things a bit cockeyed. Now she’s fake engaged and needs to plan a staged break-up. However, she and Carter both warm up to the idea that a pretend relationship is more fun than the reality of being alone.

Love ain’t so bad either.

Both have some dragons to slay. Gianna hasn’t trusted anyone since her ex cheated. And Carter can’t live in the shadow of her past relationship. Will love triumph? Or are they doomed?

Unedited Excerpt:

Carter swiveled on the heel of his boot and his breath caught somewhere between his scorched lungs and his throat. Standing at the threshold was Gianna. A different Gianna than he remembered though. The girl he remembered always had wild, curly hair, and a splattering of freckles over honeyed cheeks. He never would have dreamed of seeing her in anything but dusty jeans and boots, but she wore a sort of billowy, see-through dress over a white bathing suit. She took several steps and the hem of the skirt flowed around her knees, bringing his attention to the long length of her toned legs. She’d transformed into a woman—a beautiful woman that made his muscles tense. He’d seen a couple pictures of her, but nothing could prepare him for just how stunning she was. Her smooth, glossy hair bounced around her shoulders in an ebony satin blanket. Her almond-shaped eyes settled on him, peering at him through a sweeping fringe of thick, dark lashes. Her tall heels added at least three inches to her height, but she still only came up to his chin.

She gave him a tight hug, and he returned it, inhaling her unescapable scent—one that reminded him of the honey Franny Maw used to harvest from the bee hives in the backyard.

Feeling a jerk below his belt, he pulled away and met her sparkling gaze. He cleared his throat and was quiet for several beats.

She took her own long perusal down his body, smiling. “I would hardly recognize you if it weren’t for the Dawson eyes. Those haven’t changed.”

“Is this what city life does to a county girl?”

“And what is that?” Her long lashes fluttered the tops of her cheeks.

“The curls and freckles are gone.” Although she could stop any man in his tracks, he felt a sliver of disappointment. He missed his best friend.

Connect with Rhonda Lee Carver








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  1. Nice excerpt, Rhonda! And thank you for the results of your research. It's always nice to know what readers want. Hugs!


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