Author Pages

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Editing…A Necessary Evil! ~ Lorraine Nelson


Today's emphasis, as the title suggests, is about editing. I know, I know. You've written your book. You've edited it yourself. You might even have had a few friends suggest changes or comment on how well it's done. However, none of this takes the place of professional editing.

You look forward to publishing your book and building a reader base. Right? You might even be wondering how you're going to compete with all the other books and authors out there. Well then, you need to edit, proofread, and edit again and again until you get it right. Guaranteed that if I purchase a book riddled with grammar issues and/or typos and such, I will not buy that author's work again and I will not leave a review anywhere. Many books I’ve read have great characters and plot lines but poor grammar can leave you feeling cheated and, in most cases, I feel sorry for the author. Yet, I hate to think of the ridicule they face when those mistakes are pointed out to them publicly (And yes, there are reviewers who will leave derogatory remarks on your book page.) One or two typos I can handle, but consistent errors pull me right out of the story line. I just cannot turn off my inner editor. 😊

Authors, be proud of your work. You only get one chance to make a first impression. Make it a good one by releasing the best product you can possibly deliver. If your English (or whatever language you write in) is not up to par, hire somebody else to give it a go. In the end, it’s well worth it.

With today's self-publishing industry, everyone can make their dreams come true, but make sure your book is as perfect as you can make it. You have a story to share and the words with which to tell it.

Don't let grammar mistakes and typos hold you back from the bestseller list. In fact, I feel so strongly about this that I’m willing to edit one chapter free for one of the commenters on this post.

Please feel free to post questions or comments and I’ll do my best to answer.



  1. Welcome to the team, Lorraine! We're so excited to have you join us. Hugs!

  2. Thank you, Julie. It's nice to be here. :)

  3. Preach it! I know this opinion is not a popular one among some author circles, especially indie circles, but it's true. We have a responsibility to put out a quality product.

    There are ways to polish your book for low cost or even free, if you put the effort in and find critique partners with the skills to do it. Seek out critters who are strong where you're weak, and vice versa. That said, I freelance edit, and I still hire a proofreader. Even editors can't edit their own work.

  4. Thank you, Melissa. I was happy to contribute. :) All too often I read books by authors who don't seem to know the meaning of a 'quality' product. Their covers are gorgeous; their plots intense; yet they don't seem to take the time to even proofread it themselves. Even a basic knowledge of how to use the spelling and grammar check would cure a lot of what ails their manuscripts. I literally shake my head and hope they do better with their next book, only chances are, I won't be reading it. Sorry for the mini rant. :) This is one of my pet peeves.

  5. Mine, too, Lorraine. If I feel like I need to take a red pen to a novel, that ruins the enjoyment for me.


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