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Monday, May 16, 2022

make time and take time for yourself


Summer is right around the corner, and I am ready for it! Getting away into the mountains is my favorite part of summer. Up in the crisp fresh air, no phone service, and endless adventures. It is also where I like to go to rejuvenate and relax. Taking time to recharge is something all of us need to do from time to time.

Spending months slaving away in front of the computer to finish and publish a book can be exhausting. But working hard doing something I love is rewarding and thrilling. Seeing that hard work getting recognition is the best feeling. But taking a break and having time for yourself is a must. Life gets busy and finding time for yourself can be hard. For me, time in the mountains is just what I need for a life reset. 

 Though I still make time to write while I'm relaxing in front of the campfire or sitting on top of the mountain with an amazing view before me. I always take a notebook and a handful of pens with me when I go to the mountains to hide from the hectic world. 

So find your way to the beach, a mountain, a sunny park, or even your yard. Fresh air and sunshine can do so much for our mind, body, and soul.

In Promise of Spring True Tucker gets lost in the mountains. After saving the life of a little girl, a blizzard strands True in a cabin with the girl and her handsome father. Adventure, excitement, and love find True as she spends time in the mountains with the dashing man and his adorable daughter. But when it's time for her to return to her normal life, will she stay with the man she loves or choose the life she is accustomed to?


  1. So much wisdom in this post, T.K., and a good reminder we all need time away from the computer and our stories. Hugs!

  2. I'm ready for a trip someplace beautiful and quiet myself.


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