Author Pages

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

What I'm NOT going to do for the rest of the year by Rhonda Lee Carver

 YOU read that title right...

What I'm NOT going to do for the rest of the year.

1. Procrastinate. 
For some, procrastination works. For me, it does not. I've been overwhelmed this year...a bubble in my chest overwhelmed. WE all feel that way sometimes. Disorganization needs tossed out the window and I need new organizational habits. Maybe I should hire a professional organizer...?

2. Feeling guilty for making myself a priority.
You all know what I'm talking about. Juggling a career, family, invisible fires. One day we wake up and we haven't worked out in weeks, secretly eaten a tub of ice cream for dinner two days in a row, and haven't watched our favorite juicy reality show in a, a month. Or has it been two months? Who can remember because we're being pulled in all different directions. If we're not good for ourselves then we're sure as hell not good for anyone else.

3. Sweat the small stuff.
Easier said than done, right? I've always been a worrier. Over everything. That's my personality. Change doesn't happen overnight, but where there's a will there's a way. Sometimes it takes sitting down and making a list of the things that matter and those that don't. Which list do you think always turns out to be longer? Will you remember that your house was a mess ten years from now? Five years? Even three months? Will it matter that you finally told nosy Aunt Jahosey that she should mind her own beeswax?

4. Go to bed angry.
I've heard this all my life. Don't go to bed angry. When I was younger, I didn't lose a wink of sleep after having an argument with someone. Something happens as we age. Is it that we start to see that life doesn't last forever? That our social circles get smaller and we need to nurture what--who--is left? Back in my twenties I would have had no problem jumping out of a plane, bungee jumping, being in the center of a mosh pit at a rock concert, or sleeping in my makeup (a rebel I was :)). I had life by the horns. Then one day something switched in me. Now I'm kept awake thinking of what I could have done differently. How others are feeling. Did I leave the stove on? Did I pack my kid's lunch? Did I pay the bills? Did I make my best friend angry? Will nosy Aunt Jahosey not come to anymore Christmas gatherings? Aging isn't for the weak, let me tell you...

5. Doubt myself as a writer.
Yep...I said it. I have doubted myself as a writer for the last ten years. There are always better writers. Bestsellers. Those who can post on social media and within minutes have a thousand likes. Writers who make this all look so easy. Wrong! This isn't easy. Imagine being in a room with thousands of people and asking each of them what they'd like on their pizza. Well, writing is similar. I'm sure I'm not the only author who cares what my readers want in the next book. However, I have to write what inspires me. I have to stay focused on where my characters are headed. You all understand that, right? After all, sexy Cowboy Joe is a figment of my imagination.

Life is short. Be kind to others and to yourself.

Here's an unedited excerpt from All Cowboy and Bodyguard

“Yes. Yes. Yes! That’s it. That’s the move. Doesn’t that feel right? Move those hips. Make a circle.”

“No, it feels off. Too tight. I told you I wouldn’t be any good at this.”

“Stop complaining and relax. Let the feeling take you. You have an amazing body, lots of core strength and perfect rhythm. You’re a natural, but you just have to let go of all your worries.”

Blue Dawson shook his head at the petite brunette who stared up at him in complete instructor mode. Her eyes were wide, surrounded by long, thick eyelashes, and her plump, cherry-lip-tint-shiny bottom lip was tucked between her teeth.

“Is it too late for you to find someone else?” he groaned. “It’s best for both of us.”

With a dismissive sigh, Maggie March sashayed across the dance studio, the cute little shorts showing off her firm bottom. He practically salivated and moisture beaded his forehead. He’d been sweating buckets. She switched off the music and turned back at him with a tapered gaze. She’d always been a confident spitfire, but the closer to the competition they got the more stressed she became, and the more she kicked his ass in the studio.

For a good ten seconds they had a staring contest, neither saying the obvious. She tapped the toe of one cowgirl boot in annoyance. “How many times have we been through this? Yes, it’s too late for me to find another dance partner. You agreed we would perform in the Texas Amateur Country Dance competition and share the money. This is big. If we win we’ll be the faces for the Master Dancing League which includes a paying contract. We’re lucky that the video and essay we sent in earned us a place in the dance off. But we have to practice. Competition will be stiff and you can’t win this by your handsome looks alone.” She reached for a towel from the stack and padded her forehead.

“That’s unfair, especially when you said my looks would get us a shoe in,” he groaned.

She lowered the towel and some of the severity left her expression. “You’re complaining and disappearing act is on my last nerve. This is serious, Blue.”

“And you think I don’t get that, drill sergeant?”

There it was…the frustration returned on her soft features.  

While she unscrewed her water canister and took a long drink, he tracked his gaze down her white tank and got caught up a second in the visible shadows of her nipples under the thin material. He moved his attention past the sliver of her stomach the knotted waist exposed and tight black shorts that landed high on her toned thighs. Her skin glistened with sweat and her cheeks were flushed, making her eyes look more lavender than usual. 

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Rhonda! So sorry I missed this yesterday. I can relate to everything you mentioned. Most times, if something isn't on my writing or home to-do lists, it doesn't get done, because I've forgotten about it. It is Hard juggling kids, a husband, writing, the house, yourself and everything else that pops up before 8 a.m. Hugs to you, and know you're not alone. There are many of us who feel exactly as you do.
    P.S. Feel free to message me anytime, even just to chat. I'm always here!


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