Author Pages

Thursday, September 15, 2022

New Release: Geller's Find



It’s summer break and Dr. Luke Geller, history prof and part-time archeologist is in Nevada looking for potsherds. What he discovers is an antique rifle and a portal in time.



Jenkins stood on the sidewalk, his legs spread, his hand hovering over his gun. Stubble grew over a square jaw. An off-center nose and a scar on his temple bespoke a brawler.

“I don’t want any trouble.” Luke kept his stance casual and his expression neutral while his nerves quivered and his muscles jumped, ready for anything. A brisk wind sprang up. A lone tumbleweed brushed against his leg before it landed up against the Thirsty Dog. Luke’s eyes never left the hombre standing in front of him.

“I bet you don’t.” Jenkins sneered, his pupils dilated and the hot light of battle sparking his eyes.

Teaching had honed Luke’s tolerance. But he’d had an unsettling forty-eight hours. His hands clenched. He wasn’t in the mood to be pushed around by an irate cowboy who blamed him for the loss of his job. Jenkins was trying his patience.

“You sure you want to do this?” He rolled his shoulders and loosened his fingers.

“Do what? You ain’t even armed.” A sneer curled Jenkin’s lip.

Luke charged, his head down, butting Jenkins square in the belly, then straightened hard, the top of his head connecting with a crack to the former bouncer’s chin. Jenkin’s went down, his pate hitting the sidewalk with a heavy thud. His eyes rolled back then closed.

“Don’t mess with a Philly boy.” Luke’s blood up, he kicked Jenkins in the crotch. Even unconscious, the man groaned.

He stared down at the sprawled cowboy, his head hanging over the sidewalk and into the dirt road. Luke might be a scholar, but you didn’t grow up in the city without learning to brawl. Not to mention, his summers spent looking for artifacts had hardened and honed him.

A spattering of applause had his head jerking up. Men were crowded around the swinging doors of the saloon.

“Jenkins never even had time to throw a punch.” A middle-aged cowboy shook his head, a look of admiration on his face.

“I’d rather have seen a gunfight,” another grumbled.

Breathing hard, his blood still rushing through his system, Luke gave a curt nod to the crowd, turned on his heel and nearly plowed into Saffron, who stood with her arms folded, her head tilted to the side and her eyebrows raised.  “I see you’ve been busy making friends.”


Character Facts:

Doctor Luke Geller is a full-time history professor and part-time archeologist.

His specialty is Native American artifacts.

Instead of a gun, he carries a Hopi throwing stick.

He likes cats, horses with a sense of humor, and women who aren’t looking for a commitment. 

Character Facts of Saffron Aldaine

Tough as they come. Lily’s right hand and best friend.

She gives every new hire the ranch’s piebald to ride. He looks like a dream but unseats his riders when they least expect it.

Can’t cook and has no intention to learn.


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Sandra, who also writes as S. Cox, is a vegetarian, animal lover and avid gardener. She lives with her husband, their dog and cats in sunny North Carolina.

An award-winning author, her stories consist of all things Western and more.

Foodie Facts:

She spent a number of years in the Midwest chasing down good Southern BBQ. By the time she moved to North Carolina where Southern BBQ is practically a staple, she’d become a vegetarian.

Pineapple is a must-have on pizza, along with black olives and onions.

She loves pumpkin waffles. Pumpkin cream cheese, not so much.




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