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Friday, November 4, 2022

Busy with Edits ~ Raine Rochelle


Hello there. I’m still busy with edits for Heartstrings, the first book in the Johnsons of Junova series.

Developing Tyler Johnson’s character has been real fun, and I’d personally love to meet the guy in person!  Not only is he gorgeous, he’s also very kind and caring. Being human, though, he does have his flaws. His confident and happy-go-lucky attitude allows me to add a little humor to his personality, but it can be a little misplaced if he’s not careful. Here’s an excerpt which I hope shows more of his character, as his kiss with Sasha is rudely interrupted by another man…


Sasha tore away from the kiss and spun her head round to see a familiar face staring back at her. Her heart sank.

“Vincent? What are you doing here?”

It wasn’t the man she used to know at all. Not in appearance, anyway. Nor demeanor. The Vincent Jennings who she’d dated for two years before he’d dumped her wore expensive clothes, had expensive haircuts and always smelled of expensive after-shave. This guy looked—and smelled—like he was living on the streets.

“I could ask you the same thing,” he growled back.

He didn’t look as angry as she’d first thought, more… horrified. He didn’t have the confidence of the guy she remembered, and seemed confused and hurt. Something must have gone terribly wrong in his life for him to end up like this. But it made no sense that he’d suddenly show up in Brightside.

“I live here,” she replied, aware of the other customers going quiet as they listened to their conversation. “I moved out here a couple of years ago, after we broke up.”

“You left me?” His saggy, red eyes now looked wide with devastation.

She shook her head. “No, you left me, if you recall? For that other girl. Lacey, wasn’t it?”

His face clouded over as he was clearly trying to compute what she was saying.

“You know this guy?” Tyler asked, clearly bemused.

She nodded. “This is my ex, Vincent Jennings. He’s from Sundown.” She turned back to the guy standing in front of them. “Vincent, this is Tyler Johnson, my boyfriend.”

Vincent’s jaw dropped. “Your boyfriend?”

“That’s right, buddy,” Tyler stood up, towering over the other man. “So what brings you to Brightside?”

As if his height wasn’t intimidating enough, Tyler stared at the guy, who appeared to be trying to take it all in. Tyler put his hands on his hips during the few minutes of silence that passed before saying, “I believe I asked you a question.”

Vincent frowned. “I was looking for Sasha. She’s my girl.”

Tyler snorted. “Not any more she ain’t, buddy. She’s mine now. So why don’t you take your bag full of mixed-up memories and leave us alone? You have no business here.”

Sasha put her hand to her mouth. She certainly hadn’t expected that sort of reaction from him. “Tyler… I think…”

He turned back to her, his eyebrows raised in disbelief. “You want him around here?”

“Well… no… but…”

“You heard the lady,” Tyler said, facing Vincent again. “She doesn’t want you here. Now I suggest you…”

“I suggest you mind your own damn business,” Vincent snapped. “This is nothing to do with you.”

“Oh, I’d say it’s got everything to do with me when you’re here to stir up trouble for my girl.” Tyler spoke through gritted teeth. “Now, are you gonna go or do I have to call the sheriff?”

“No need, Tyler.” Doug Sandler’s voice could be heard as he made his way through the crowd that had gathered to watch the spectacle. “I was here anyhow.”

“Great.” Tyler gave a satisfied smirk which shocked Sasha to the core. He folded his arms, staring at Vincent.

“You new in town, son?” the sheriff asked, eying Vincent curiously. “I don’t reckon I’ve seen you before.”

Vincent looked panic-stricken and Sasha’s heart went out to him. He nodded silently.

“Sheriff, this is Vincent Jennings. He’s from Sundown. We went out together a few years ago. I think he came to see me,” she offered.

“You invited him here?” Doug asked with a frown.

“No. We haven’t been in touch for years. But he wasn’t causing any trouble. We were just talking.”

The sheriff raised his eyebrows, then turned back to Vincent. “You got some ID on you, son?”

Vincent frowned. “No.”

“Any money?”

Vincent shook his head slowly.

“Then how were you planning to get back to Sundown?”

Vincent shrugged.

“You’ve been drinking, and you’ve got nowhere to go for the night. I think it’s best you come with me, son.” Doug immediately cuffed him, much to Vincent’s dismay.

“Sheriff, I don’t think you need to do that.” Sasha was appalled, her heart thumping hard.

“Anyone who’s been drinking is unpredictable,” Doug told her, firmly. “I’m not taking any chances. He’ll be safer in the cell than on the streets in that state. We can sort out the whys and wherefores in the morning.” With that he led Vincent through the bar to where his car was waiting outside.

Sasha sat down, her mind whirling.

That was your ex?” Tyler sat next to her, chuckling. “Well, I have to say, I’m glad your taste in men’s changed. The guy’s a wreck.”

Sasha bristled. “He wasn’t like that back then.”

“Well, I’m glad to hear it, darlin’. You had me worried for second there.” He grinned, shaking his head as he reached for his beer.

“I’m going home.” Sasha picked up her purse and stood up.

Tyler shot to his feet, staring at her. “What? Why?”

“If you don’t know, then you’re definitely not the man I thought you were, Tyler Johnson.” Her lips were tight as she spoke. “In fact, I’m beginning to wonder if I really know you at all.”

She took a step but he rounded on her.

“Now, look, darlin’, I don’t know what I’ve done wrong here, but we can’t sort it out unless we talk about it, can we? Why don’t you sit down and I’ll get you another drink? Then you can tell me what’s on your mind?” His voice was calm and more than a little patronizing to her ears.

“No, thank you. I’d rather go home. Alone. Now, if you’ll please move out of my way, it would be good not to cause another scene around here. I think these good folks have had enough drama for one night, don’t you?” She took the opportunity to take a step past him as he gawped in surprise.


It’s never all plain sailing in the Johnson household, but you’ll have to read the book to see how Tyler gets out of that one! I’m hoping to release it around Christmas time if I possibly can. I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of the series in the meantime.

Take care,


Don’t forget that The Billionaires of Brightside Ranch series is currently FREE in Kindle Unlimited

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