Author Pages

Friday, December 2, 2022

A Free Story ~ Raine Rochelle


With the recent resurgence of Covid-19 in the UK, I’ve been kept very busy with my day job for our National Health Service. This has meant that I have been unable to complete my latest book, Heartstrings, the first book of The Johnsons of Junova series. Unfortunately, it looks like it will not be released until the New Year. Apologies to anyone waiting for it.

In the light of this, I have made the very first book of The Billionaires of Brightside Ranch FREE for this weekend (2nd – 4th December). I hope this will give readers the opportunity to either start, or re-acquaint themselves with the series ahead of the additional 4-part mini-series.

Here’s a little about it:

A great deal? Or just a great deal of trouble?

Chase Devereaux can easily recognise a good deal. Everything about Primefields – including its name – seems perfect. So why does the brunette beauty with lovely big eyes at the real estate agent’s appear to deter him from buying it?

Rachel Brown loves her job, but is aware that her over-made-up and under-dressed colleague, Cindy Skeritt, dislikes her. Her suspicions grow as she notices whispered conversations and surreptitious looks between Cindy and the manager.

When the handsome cowboy asks about the property Cindy will clearly do anything to close the deal.

Rachel discovers the tragic secrets behind Primefields and tries to warn Chase. But he seems to ignore her. And is still determined to buy the place.

Could he be in on the conspiracy? Does he really make his money from other people’s misery?

Something tells Rachel that’s not the case. And no amount of bullying or blackmail will stop her from getting to the truth.

Don’t forget that The Billionaires of Brightside Ranch series is currently FREE in Kindle Unlimited

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for offering a Free Read, Raine. Our readers are going to enjoy that!


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