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Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Welcome 2023 ~ Julie Lence


Hello Cowboy Kisses! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. Mine started with a month-long visit with Mom during November. Hubby & kiddo joined me later in the month and Mom’s house was filled with family for Thanksgiving. Traveling back to Colorado was a 2-day jaunt, where hubby, kiddo, and I enjoyed quiet Christmas and New Year’s Eve celebrations. It’s hard to believe that I hadn’t seen Mom in 3 years, but time passes quickly, just as the past year has sped by for Cowboy Kisses. Many of the cowgirls released some wonderful stories in 2022, so if you haven’t already checked them out, please do so.   

At the end of 2022, Cowboy Kisses said goodbye to Kathleen Lawless and Rhonda Frankhouser. We wish them the best of luck in their in endeavors and welcome Katina Rose and Lucy Nel to the group. Each write western romance, with Katina blogging the 3rd Tuesday of each month and Lucy blogging the 2nd Wednesday of every month. Be sure to check out their author pages located on the sidebar to the right and get to know them better. 

As always, be sure to visit with us on Facebook where you can interact with the Cowgirls and other Facebook members for Question Tuesday, Read Wednesday, and Tattle Thursday. Our Facebook group also features other western romance and western authors who regularly chime in with new releases, sales and freebies that you don’t want to miss. And if you’re a Tweeter, catch the Cowgirls’ Tweets by checking out the sidebar to your right or by visiting our page on Twitter. 2023 is going to be a great year and we’re truly blessed to have your continued support and love. 




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