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Thursday, February 16, 2023

Famous Western Movie Horses~Buttermilk

This is a stock image not a photo of Buttermilk

Buttermilk, Dale Evans famous buckskin was a Quarter horse that was rescued as a colt on his way to the slaughter house. The kind-hearted farmer who rescued him trained him to become a roping and cutting horse. The buckskin had been abused as a colt and it took love and patience on the farmer’s part to teach him to trust again.

It was love at first sight when Dale first saw the beautiful gelding ‘Soda’, then owned by horse trainer Glen Randall. She later renamed him Buttermilk Sky which was shortened to Buttermilk.  Buttermilk and Trigger were soon stars in their own right on the Roy Rogers Show and movies. Buttermilk could actually outrun Trigger and was often held back so Trigger could take the lead. The two horses made a striking contrast, Trigger with his light flowing mane and Buttermilk with his dark.

Buttermilk had his own following who purchased Buttermilk replicas and Buttermilk lamps.

Buttermilk was born in 1941 and passed in 1972.  Like Trigger he went to the Roy Rogers – Dale Evans Museum after he died. Except for a rocky start, he had a grand life.

*Quarter Horses originated in the United States. They were developed for quarter-mile races and used to herd livestock.






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