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Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The Creation of a Series: How it began

Last month, I talked about my recent release of Saving Maddie. Even though it's the second in the series, it was the book that started it all. Finding Liv came about because of Liv and Conner. Even though it wasn't their book, it came alive and I fell in love with them. While writing their story, other couples captured my heart. I love telling their stories and making this ranch and small town community come to life.

As I'm editing and polishing Cooper’s story, I am excited to share it with you all. Each character embraces their country roots a little differently, as you can tell by how each brother responds to their responsibilities to the ranch and family. Wyatt has fought against it his whole adult life, but will drop everything if the ranch needs him. Conner, well, it's all he's ever wanted and then there's Cooper who isn't quite sure where he fits in and finally finds something in the middle. 

After the brother's stories are told, I plan to circle back for some of my favorite couples.

I'm so glad Wyatt wasn't an only child. (Originally he was, but something was missing).

Want a little history about the Ridge Ranch? Check out Managing Ryan. Their story can be found here for free.

From Managing Ryan

“Are you Ryan?” she asked as she walked up to the front porch where I stood.

“That depends.” I crossed my arms.

“On what?” She looked a little nervous.

“Who wants to know and what their purpose is?”

She wiped her hands on her skirt in a nervous gesture then

offered her hand to me. “I’m Heather. I wanted to say thank you.”

She drove all this way for that? It was only a meal. “For?” I raised my brow but didn’t shake her hand. She bit her lip and lowered her hand.

I made her nervous. The thought made me smile. “Lunch.”

I glanced at the corral where Sugar started bucking and throwing a tantrum. Something wasn’t right.

Damn it, Suzy, can’t someone do something nice? 

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I grabbed my hat and walked past her to the corral. The crunch of gravel told me she was following me.

“Sir, can I get a minute of your time?”

Sam grabbed a rope and headed in, but I saw the problem when I got a glimpse of the whip in Frankie’s hand. After I cut through the gate, I turned back to her.

 “Ma’am, I’m sorry, but I’m kinda busy at the moment. You said thank you. You’re welcome. Have a nice day.”

My eyes met hers and the same reaction I had in the diner happened. I wanted to ask her about herself, get to know her, talk to her. Her smile caught my attention. And then she drove out here to thank me. It all had me wanting to know more. Who was this woman?

“I’ll wait,” she said with a smile.


I turned back to Heather, who stood there quietly as everything had taken place in front of her. She smiled at me and for some reason, it eased the looming stress of the upcoming issues I’d be dealing with. Closing the distance between us, I searched for my words. There was something about her I couldn’t place. Ever since my divorce, I steered clear of women. But one look at her and I was torn between wanting to know more and having her as far away from here as possible.

“Thank you, ma’am,” I said. It was the only thing I could come up with, as I stopped a respectful distance away.

“It looked like you could handle yourself.” She scanned me and from her smile, I took it as she liked what she saw.

“Yes, but you saved me from him getting a cheap shot in. You know, I have my rep to protect.” I chuckled and leaned against the fence, forcing myself to focus on Conner instead of the woman next to me. “So, what can I do for you?”

“Rumor has it the ranch is in need of a cook.” She leaned on the fence next to me.

I turned and looked at her. “And where did you get that information?”

“Well, you guys aren’t quiet, and I was at the table next to yours.” She handed me a business card for the dinner. “And I might have had some help.”

“Suzy.” I shook my head. From the look of things, Conner had calmed Sugar and was cooling her down. I nodded at him, then turned and headed into the house. From the sound of her footsteps, she followed.

Before I stepped up onto the porch, I paused and turned to her. “You have experience?”

She wrung her hands but didn’t look away. “I can cook.” “That wasn’t my question. It’s not as simple as cooking. We have a dozen mouths to feed. After a long day the one thing we look forward to is having food ready at mealtimes.”

“Sounds like it’s been a while since that’s happened.” The sarcasm rolled off her.

“When was the last time you were around real-life cowboys?”

“What does that have to do with anything?” She placed her hand firmly on her hip.

“Listen here, sweetheart,” I said, automatically regretting my choice of words as she pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes as her hands tightened into fists. “The guys here work hard. They’re dirty and sometimes downright disgusting. They’re not going to watch their p’s and q’s because you show up. It’s a demanding bunch and honestly, most of them can be downright a**holes.”

“I can handle a couple of a**holes,” she said. “So, do you make the decisions around here, or should I be talking to someone else?”

I had to admit, she had spunk.

Oh, Lord, help me now. The things I wanted to do to her and having her cook wasn’t one of them. I chuckled as I shook my head. Conner had said hire a cook. Too bad our guys would have her running for the hills by dessert.


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