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Thursday, April 20, 2023

Horse Facts


Greetings, Western Readers and Writers AND those have kindly just dropped in. 

Did you know 

The average life span of a horse is twenty-five. A horse called Old Billy beat the record by living to sixty-two.

Even though horses normally sleep on their feet, they sometimes sleep lying down.

The fastest horse ever recorded ran fifty-five miles an hour. To put it in perspective, twenty-seven miles an hour is considered fast.

Horses have exceptional memories.

Horses express their moods by their facial expression.


Out of a group of horses one will stand watch while the others sleep.

There are over three hundred breeds of horses in existence today.

The Arabian has a different skeletal structure from other horses.

Horses literally do have big hearts. They’re approximately the size of a basketball.

The first horse cloned was in 2003.

 The first polo pony cloned was in 2008.

In 2018 Argentine polo player Cambiaso had already won two Argentine Opens with clone ponies.

Rhinos are horses closest relatives.

On average, horses consume between five and ten gallons of water a day. It’s very important to keep them hydrated.

Built for endurance, some Arabians can run a hundred miles without rest.


Fishing from horseback is illegal in more than one state.

In 1959, a horse cleared a jump over eight feet tall.

Horses can see in two different directions at the same time.

Their ears are the weathervane which tell which direction a horse is looking.

A mare’s gestation period is eleven to twelve months.


Got any horse facts you’d like to share?



  1. Thank you for sharing, Sandra! I always enjoy learning about horses.

  2. Thanks for sharing all that great information, there were many things you shared, I knew nothing about.

  3. I loved all these horse facts, Sandra. I learned many new things today. xo

  4. EC, Julie, Lon and Denise, So glad you enjoyed. Thanks so much for reading and commenting. Very much appreciated.

  5. Hey, Thanks for stopping by, Sonya. Glad you liked the horse factoids:)

  6. Wow, so fascinating. We have horses but I never thought about these facts.

  7. Great horse facts. My favorite is about the famous racehorse, Secretariat. His heart was twice the size as a normal horse's and his spine had more mobility in it than a normal horse so he had a bigger stride length.

  8. Nas, What a joy to have horses.
    Allie, Secretariat, the best horse ever. Thanks for sharing information on him.


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