Author Pages

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

 An interview with Micah and Amelia

Love in the Bargain, my first full-length novel, was released in September 2022. It's a story very dear to my heart, and it endured numerous rewrites. A marriage of convenience story that brings together Micah Kelly, a carpenter with an orphaned niece and nephew, and a spinster heiress, Amelia Scott. Micah has had a soft spot for Amelia ever since they were children. It just so happens that he is an ex-convict who believes that he is not the right man for her.

Here is a chance to get to know Micah and Amelia a little better.

Q: Micah, where did you grow up?

Micah: I grew up here in Scottsville, with my folks and older sister. Live was good, until Pa died. Ma followed shortly afterward. Then for a few years it was just us, Emily and me. Pretty as Emily was, she managed to draw attention wherever she went. Unfortunately, not all of that was favorable, but she had me to protect her.

Q: And you, Amelia? Did you grow up in Scottsville as well?

Amelia: Since Grandfather founded the town, I spent my entire childhood here. When I was older, Grandfather sent me to live with my aunt and uncle. I loved living with them, but missed home terribly. Once I learned about Grandfather's health, I hurried back home.

Q: Is it true that you two were childhood friends?

Amelia: Micah’s sister, Emily, was my best friend. Since he was younger than us, I wasn’t really interested in him.

Micah: I made sure nobody bullied them. (Micah shrugs.)

Q: Micah, did you like Amelia then?

Micah: (Folds his arms, a smile twitching his lips.) I liked her. I always thought she was real pretty.

(Amelia grins in response.)

Q: What do you think of her now?

A: (Micah dips his head but I see his grin broadening.) She’s fascinating. Even when she’s too stubborn for her own good.

Amelia: Do you still think I'm pretty?

(Micah chuckles and nods.)

Q: Amelia, did you like Micah then?

A: Oh. Well, I thought it was charming, the way he protected Emily. And his protection just always seemed to include me.

Micah: And do you like me now?

Amelia: Absolutely. I think more than I ought to.

Q: Micah, why did you marry her?

Micah: We were both in a pickle. She needed a husband and I had Pearl and Oliver. (I don’t say anything but there’s a distinct flush creeping across Micah’s cheeks.)

Q: Amelia, when you learned about your grandfather’s ultimatum, why did you ask Micah?

Amelia: I felt safest around Micah, and I loved his niece and nephew. It made sense for us to get married.

Q: What do you like most about Amelia?

Micah: Amelia is resilient. And she’s not afraid to fight for what she believes in.

Q: And you, Amelia, what do you like most about Micah?

Amelia: Micah is loyal and consistent. I don’t know how to explain it, but once he’s in your corner, he is there for life.

It was so nice chatting with the two of you. 

For readers interested to read Love in the Bargain, it’s available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited.




1 comment:

  1. Awww.... they sound perfect for each other. Thank you, Lucy, for giving out readers a chance to get to know Micah and Amelia.


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