Author Pages

Friday, May 26, 2023

Eagle Valley, Nevada by Zina Abbott

In my recently published book, Clara, at the time my pioneer families that traveled together in 1858 finally stopped, they ended up settling in Eagle Valley, Utah Territory.

Originally inhabited by the indigenous Washoe people, it is believed in 1841 the Bartleson-Bidwell Party passed through the area that became known as Eagle Valley on their way to California.

Augustus Mitchell Map of 1846

At the time, California was still part of Mexico. In the mid-1840s, while the land was still under Mexican rule, John C. Frémont traveled through as part of a mapping expedition. 

Carson River

Because of his great respect for his scout, Kit Carson, he named the river running through that valley the Carson River. In 1848, at the conclusion of the Mexican-American War, Mexico ceded the region to the United States. That was the same year gold was discovered in California. That resulted in a stream of gold-seekers traveling west to search for their fortunes. 

Many of them followed the Mormon-Carson Emigrant Trail cut by the Mormons, who had arrived in California by way of the Mormon Battalion or on the ship Brooklyn, as they traveled east. Their trail took them past what is today Caples Lake, over Carson Pass, and through Eagle Valley until they joined with the established trail that followed the Humboldt River.

1857 map Utah Territory

In September 1850, Eagle Valley became part of the newly established Utah Territory.

Old Mormon Station built 1851

 Many early valley settlers included other Mormons, led by Colonel John Reese who, in 1851, along with eighteen men, established Mormon Station (name later changed to Genoa) near the valley. This was the first trading post in the far western part of Utah Territory. After the Mormons were called back to Salt Lake City, the local ranchers in the valley established another trading post called Eagle Station. It is believed the post was located near present-day Fifth and Thompson streets in Carson City. It provided supplies to those California-bound travelers who chose to take the Mormon-Carson Emigrant branch of the California Trail over Carson Pass to Placerville and the gold fields of the western Sierra Nevada Mountain foothills.

The surrounding area was known as Eagle Ranch. The name reportedly came from an eagle shot by ranch manager Frank Hall, who displayed it on the trading post wall. That gave the name to the valley.


Carson City today, most of city is in Eagle Valley

In 1858, pioneer Abraham Curry arrived in Eagle Valley and not long afterward surveyed and plotted a town site.  A group of well-connected attorneys bought the richest part of the valley for $500 and a herd of horses. The farsighted and optimistic Curry set aside 10 acres expressly for the construction of a capitol building. He anticipated the formation of Nevada Territory, which did not take place until 1861. Carson City was soon designated both the territorial capital and county seat of the new Ormsby County.

1912 Eagle Valley looking northeast

1912 Eagle Valley north over the western Eagle Valley from C Hill, Mount Slide in background

Carson City in Eagle Valley looking west across Carson Mountains toward Lake Tahoe

The 1859 discovery of the Comstock Lode in the Virginia Mountains to the east and north of Carson City established the economic importance of the area.

In Clara, my characters chose to travel beyond the new city of Carson City and Eagle Station and settle in the town of Genoa. This book is now available for purchase as an ebook and paperback. It is also available at no extra cost with a Kindle Unlimited subscription. To find the book description and purchase options, please CLICK HERE.


Also, although each book can be read as a standalone, my first book I wrote for the Prairie Roses Collection, Pearl, has many of the same characters as Clara. To find the book description and purchase options, please CLICK HERE.





Ken Lund from Reno, Nevada, USA

Monday, May 22, 2023


Welcome to Cowboy Kisses blog! Memorial Day weekend is coming soon, and for my family, that means camping at Baker Lake. It has become a family tradition. Jon and I started the camping trip over twenty-five years ago with our children, but now it has grown to around fifty family members. Crazy, I know yet so much fun. Baker Lake is big and beautiful and if we are lucky this year it will be full of kokanee. The small pink salmon are one of my favorite meats to eat. The lake is surrounded by the pine tree covered majestic Cascade mountain range usually topped with snow. When we take our boat for a ride down the middle of Baker Lake we can see Mount Baker at the end. In my eyes it's the prettiest sight to behold. I would love to hear about what you all do for your Memorial Day weekend. Please leave a commit with your traditions. In case you don’t know the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day: Memorial day is in remembrance of all the men and women who lost their life during service in the United States of America armed forces. Veterans Day is a celebration for all who have or are in service for the United States of America armed services. God Bless America and the men and women who gave their lives for our Freedom!

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Annie Moses ~ Female Activist


Annie Moses AKA Annie Oakley was an advocate for women and proved that women could hold their own in a man’s world.  She wanted all women to know how to defend themselves and took the initiative to teach women to shoot. 

This picture was downloaded from Wikimedia and is in the public domain in the United States. File information can be found here.

She offered President McKinley the services of fifty sharpshooting women if there was a war with Spain.

Annie was in a shooting contest against marksman Frank Butler at the age of fifteen. After beating him, she married him approximately a year later.  The Butler’s joined Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show and toured Europe. One of her acts in the show was to shoot a cigar or cigarette that her husband had clamped in his mouth.  She could also shoot over her shoulder, while holding a mirror to see what she was aiming at. Except for Buffalo Bill himself, she was the highest paid performer in the show. She became close friends with Sitting Bull, who claimed her as an adopted daughter. He called her Watanya Cicillia-Little Sure Shot. (FYI: Depending on the article, there are different spellings for Cicillia.)

She grew up in an impoverished family and started hunting as a child to put food on the table.

Annie was only five foot tall. She made her own costumes for the shows, embroidered in her spare time and spent much of her earnings on her family and charity.

Annie Oakley:  an inspiration to us all.
