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Monday, May 22, 2023


Welcome to Cowboy Kisses blog! Memorial Day weekend is coming soon, and for my family, that means camping at Baker Lake. It has become a family tradition. Jon and I started the camping trip over twenty-five years ago with our children, but now it has grown to around fifty family members. Crazy, I know yet so much fun. Baker Lake is big and beautiful and if we are lucky this year it will be full of kokanee. The small pink salmon are one of my favorite meats to eat. The lake is surrounded by the pine tree covered majestic Cascade mountain range usually topped with snow. When we take our boat for a ride down the middle of Baker Lake we can see Mount Baker at the end. In my eyes it's the prettiest sight to behold. I would love to hear about what you all do for your Memorial Day weekend. Please leave a commit with your traditions. In case you don’t know the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day: Memorial day is in remembrance of all the men and women who lost their life during service in the United States of America armed forces. Veterans Day is a celebration for all who have or are in service for the United States of America armed services. God Bless America and the men and women who gave their lives for our Freedom!

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