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Monday, May 15, 2023

Washington Trip and Chanticleer Awards

  I had a wonderful trip to Bellingham, Washington for the Chanticleer International Book Awards.

  It was a long drive from Buffalo, Wyoming, but well worth it. There were so many neat places along the way to see and several new book ideas are rolling around in my head.

  As we drove, I couldn't help but think about the pioneers that traveled across the plains and mountains in with wagons or on horseback. I thought of the mountain men that explored the mountains so long ago. Far tougher people than I will ever be as I cruised along in my rented car.

Leavenworth, Washington

Shi Shi Trail

  Hiking through the forest was an adventure and I wish we'd had more time to explore more trails. I loved sitting by the ocean and watching the waves come in. Being in land locked Wyoming, we don't have a lot of water. I love our mountain creeks, but the ocean was fascinating. I could sit there for hours writing. Next year I plan on taking a couple of days just for ocean time.

Cape Flattery

   As always Bellingham was beautiful and welcoming. It has been three years since I've been to the Chanticleer International Book Awards, and I was so thrilled to attend. This year Outlaw's Redemption made the Finals for the Chatelaine Award and Guarded Hearts was a Finalist for the Laramie Award.
    The Bellwether Hotel hosts the conference and awards banquet. It is a beautiful hotel that sits on the bay with a gorgeous view. There was so much to learn at the conference, and I was lucky enough to sit in on a panel about genre boundaries. It was my first time doing that, and I did okay. It was a learning experience and hopefully I can do it again sometime.

  I was honored to be able to announce with winners in the Shorts: Novellas and Collections. Three of my table mates were winners and I was thrilled to announce their names. Our table was lucky. All of those who made the finals, won first in category. There were six of us.
   Guarded Hearts won First in Category in the Laramie Awards.

  I was beyond surprised and so excited that Guarded Hearts went on to win the Laramie Grand Prize. Never in a million years did I think I would ever get a Grand Prize. I was glad to be able to be there in person for the great news. 

  It was an amazing trip. First time on a panel at a conference. First time standing on a stage talking into a microphone to announce winners. First time getting Grand Prize. First time giving an acceptance speech (I wasn't prepared and have no idea what I said). Ha! 

  I'm planning on going back to Bellingham next year for the conference. I won't have a book finished in time to put into the Laramie contest. I'll be there to cheer on my friends.

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Chanticleer Book Reviews

5 Star Amazon Review
David Fitz-Gerald
LaRisa is an auburn-haired, emerald-eyed beauty with unimaginable powers. She thinks that no man wants to court a woman like her, so she lives in seclusion and avoids everyone in town.
Strykes is a reformed outlaw, or is he? It is hard for Strykes to ride a straight and narrow path because the past keeps coming to town. When a gunslinger named Lucas, an old nemesis, returns to settle a grudge, Strykes must face his enemy to protect the woman he can no longer live without.
I enjoyed reading Guarded Hearts, and I always enjoy spending time in the fictional town of Rimrock, Wyoming. I love the way classic western meets western romance in this series.
The heroine, is spellbinding, and her supernatural abilities are intriguing. I’m glad that supernatural tendencies run in the family, and I look forward to my next “visit” to Rimrock.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your win, T.K.! Glad you had a good time... and gosh, that water is sooo blue!


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