Author Pages

Monday, June 19, 2023

Wild Deadwood Reads

 Deadwood, South Dakota never disappoints.

Over the years I've been to many events there, or just driven there for dinner. It's always a good time. 

Wild Deadwood Reads has to be my favorite event. Even if this year was the first time I attended.  I have been wanting to go for the past few years but always have to work that weekend. This year I took vacation time and was happy to spend a few days among some great authors.
I had a great talk with Laura Scott and Lori Handeland. I by chance sat next to them at the bar while having dinner. Naturally, I had a ton of author questions for them. (They humored me well) They gave great advice and were awesome gals.

I met a lot of new people and finally got to meet several that I've been hoping to meet one day. I was horrified when I was driving home and realized I never made it back around to several tables to get signed books to match my kindle books. (I had to run to the car for more money and got sidetracked when I came back in)
But I still came home with a bunch of books. I was glad this event brought so many great authors to one location near me. A few of the cover models attended as well.

I was so thrilled to finally meat Shanna Hatfield and Pam Crooks!!!   I wish we could have had more time to talk. I probably could have chatted with them for hours.

With any luck I'll be able to attend again next year. Maybe even have a table there. It was fun to go around and see what authors bring for gifts and how they set up their area. I loved the author banners. There was such a variety of how authors displayed their books and goodies.

I now have a Wild Deadwood Reads shelf at home. I have lots of reading to do!


  1. Glad you had a great time, T.K.! Thank you for sharing your photos.

  2. I wanted to go soooo much! Sent my book 3 of the Pink Pistol Sisterhood series with Pam Crooks, but how I wish I could’ve been there in person! I would love to have met you and been amongst ya!

  3. The above comment was me, Cheryl Pierson, but my phone. Leah’s makes my posts “anonymous “. Sorry!


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