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Monday, July 17, 2023

A visit to the Mammoth site.


  Mammoth dig site in Hot Springs, South Dakota.

During our little getaway to Angostura Lake, we detoured to the Mammoth site. It had been man years since I was there last, and my boyfriend had never been there. 

A grade school field trip to the Mammoth dig was the first time I was there. Wind Cave was another field trip spot. An awesome cave system not far from Hot Springs, SD. So much great history in the area.

The history goes back father than my usual museum stops for book research and education, but it's still a fascinating place.

Millions of years ago a sinkhole formed and, lured by the fresh water, the Mammoth would stop for a drink. The sides were slick and they would slide in and couldn't get out. Preditors would see an easy meal and also fall in. Bones of Sabertooth tigers and bear have been found.
I would highly recommend stopping to check it out. So much history there. 
So make a vacation of it. There is so much to see and do in the Black Hills of South Dakota.


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