Author Pages

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Creating with Canva

Having fun with Canva Designs as I make a new author website! Have you ever used Canva? If the answer is no, you should check it out. It’s so simple to use that even I am figuring it out. This is fantastic considering that anyone that knows me well, would proclaim I am not tech savv at all. Yet, I have always been artistic in one way or another. So this is fun to me. First I am going to show you some of the flyers i’ve been making then my self-made website. So, without further adue here goes and you will see the progression I have made in just two weeks.
Some of these need more work and I wil up date them soon now that I am feeling more confidant. Now I am going to show you some from my new website.
I hope you enjoyed sharing in my adventure with Canva! Here is the link to my new author website. Please join me next month and until then I hope the rest of your summer is filled with fun and laughter.

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