Author Pages

Tuesday, August 1, 2023


It's amazing, isn't it, where we land when we take big leaps of faith. 

Ten years ago, my husband nudged (or gave me a big shove), to take a leap of faith and pursue my dream of becoming a full-time author. 

I was working crazy hours at a job that no longer held any joy for me, for a boss with unrealistic, ever-increasing demands. 

Although we'd talked many times about where we needed to be financially before I could quit, one morning Captain Cavedweller (my hubby) called and told me it was time to quit and chase after my dreams. 

It required a huge leap of faith to let go of the security my job offered, but I did it. And I haven't regretted it. Not a single day. 

Dreams don't chase you back. The only way to make them come true is to go after them. 

And I've been incredibly blessed in this adventure of writing. I've met amazing people, made so many wonderful friends, and my readers make me smile every single day with their kindness, encouragement, and support. 

As a thank you, and to celebrate this ten-year milestone, I invite you to join me for a party on Facebook in my Hopeless Romantics group.

I hope to see you August 11 for a day of fun, games, and giveaways!

Also, I have one of my favorite sweet western romances on sale this week for just 99 pennies!

Be sure to get your digital copy of The Cowboy's Summer Love while it's on sale!

Wild and unpredictable, Travis doesn't want tied down
Until he encounters the girl who gives him roots...

After six years in the service and two tours of duty in the middle of a war zone, Travis Thompson eagerly returns home to Grass Valley, ready to resume his life on the Triple T Ranch with his two older brothers. Ever the wild-child, Travis doesn’t disappoint as he rolls from one adventure to another in his quest to keep his adrenaline pumping. He needs a release for the tension constantly building inside him, especially after he discovers the girl he’s loved his entire life just moved back to Grass Valley.

In love with Travis Thompson since she was old enough to notice boys, Tess Morgan can’t stay away from him no matter how hard she tries. Convinced Travis sees her only as his best friend’s sister, she wants him to realize she is the woman who could love him deeply and passionately.

Will the two of them finally surrender to love? Anything is possible as summer spins its spell at the Triple T!

After spending her formative years on a farm in Eastern Oregon, hopeless romantic Shanna Hatfield turns her rural experiences into sweet historical and contemporary romances filled with hope, humor, and hunky heroes.

When this award-winning author isn’t writing or covertly seeking dark, decadent chocolate, Shanna hangs out with her beloved husband, Captain Cavedweller.

1 comment:

  1. Happy 10th Anniversary, Shanna! So happy for you achieving this milestone. Enjoy!


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