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Monday, October 9, 2023

The world is best viewed through the ears of a horse – by Jan Scarbrough

Once again, I looked for inspiration for this blog from a website called Think Like a Horse. I found a page about Cowboy Wisdom that had a list of horse quotes.


I really liked the one about viewing the world through the ears of a horse. It reminded me of a Facebook group I belong to called Between the Ears. Because of it, I’ve viewed photos of folks riding their horses in all kinds of places around the world. For example, some of the countries and states have been Missouri, Bavarian Forest (Germany), Ontario, Bodega Bay, CA, Idaho, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Norway, Iceland, Texas.


It's fascinating to see how many people own horses and use them for trail rides or sporting events. Some people even post pictures of other pets. One was a kitten’s ears. The kitten was looking out the window into its back yard.


I posted a couple of photos from my 2016 trip to the Covered Wagon Ranch in Montana.

Here I am on the back of Mr. Black, a Tennessee Walking Horse. I also took a picture of the valley and mountains in the distance. It was an exhilarating experience to trust another creature to safely carry me up a steep mountain and then back down.


So, if you get the chance to view the world from through the ears of a horse, I’d say go for it!


My Ghost Mountain Ranch series took its inspiration from that trip to the dude ranch in Montana.


  1. Beautiful pics, Jan! And I agree, you see some pretty amazing things from behind a horse's ears. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Love it! I've been on some high, narrow trails on horseback before and never thought of it as trusting the animal, although that's just what it was. It reminds me that we are all symbiotic and here to help each other through what can sometimes be a dark and dangerous world. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Jan!


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