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Friday, December 1, 2023

Keeping you up-to-date with me ~ Raine Rochelle



The last time I wrote a post for the Cowboy Kisses blog, it was just before I took a trip down south. Unfortunately, on that trip my car was hit by a large lorry. I ended up in hospital with injuries to my back, neck and right leg and my car was written off. The other driver and his vehicle were fine. It’s made it nearly impossible for me to sit at the desk and write for a while, but I’m much better now, thank goodness.

After writing this, I’m about to make the same journey I made back then, so wish me luck!

This has meant that I’m still working on Heartbeat, The Johnsons of Junova book 2, which is the 8th book in The Billionaires of Brightside Ranch series. I’m hoping to release it early in the New Year if I possibly can.

Here’s the blurb from the book, as well as an excerpt – with a pic of Sam Johnson because, hey, who doesn’t like a bit of eye candy: ;)


Blurb for Heartbeat

Sam Johnson is the drummer of the band. He likes to keep a steady rhythm both in his playing and his outlook on life. But his heart beats a little quicker when he gets closer to Lydia Felton, the beautiful girl he met at the hospital when his father suffered a heart attack.

But Lydia’s heart has problems of its own. A sufferer of arrhythmia, she has to live her life on an even keel, as any sudden change in her heart’s activity can cause it to accelerate or slow down considerably. It doesn’t stop her falling for Sam, though, despite her family’s concerns.

Despite a catalogue of mishaps and misunderstandings threatening to keep them apart, Sam is determined to win Lydia’s heart. However, when her heart falls into an irregular sequence, will Sam’s love be enough to put her back together?

Excerpt from Heartbeat

Sam checked his phone again as he returned to the paddock, but there was still no news from Lydia. His heart raced knowing that he’d see her in just a couple of hours, and he was desperate to get on his way over to Brightside.

“It won’t be long now, son.” Ron nodded at the phone in Sam’s hand, and he quickly stuffed it into his pocket.

“I was just checking for an update on the train time,” he explained, going straight over to help with the next horse they were working with. “I can’t be late.”

“I’m sure she’ll ring you when she knows something,” Ron replied. “Now, how about climbing on this one? Take him into a steady canter, then I want to see him gallop. His posture was all wrong last time we tried, if you recall?”

Sam nodded. The last time he’d ridden this particular horse it had reared before taking off like a rocket. He sure hoped the beast was in a better mood today.

He mounted the horse and tried to start with a slow trot. Unfortunately, the horse had other ideas. It was very skittish, and threatened to rear up again. Sam kept control and calmed it a little. Then it bucked, causing Sam to hold on for dear life, before it stamped heavily and then raced off around the paddock.

All Sam could do was hold on tight and try to calm the massive beast as it ran around the training field.

“That’s it,” Ron called out to him. “Just ride it out. He’ll get tired and start to behave soon.”

Sam didn’t find his words much of a comfort. How soon was soon? Usually he loved being on a horse, but this animal was bucking and rearing all over the place, making for a very uncomfortable ride.

“Whoa, come on, buddy, settle down.” He kept his tone calm as he continually coaxed the horse to slow down, and eventually it paid off.

He could feel when the beast started to relax a little, and he stroked its mane to pacify him. The horse had given him a good run for his money, there was no denying it, but Sam was relieved when it slowed to a canter, before he could finally get it to stop.

Ron grinned, hurrying over to them. “I think you might have to try that all over again, son. That animal needs showing who the boss is around here, and it sure ain’t him.”

Sam gaped at him before realizing he was just kidding. He closed his eyes with a huge sigh of relief. “Man, you really had me going there for a second.”

“Not as fast as he had you going, son.” Ron chuckled. “He sure is a feisty one. You did well to hold on.”

“I didn’t have much of a choice. I knew if I fell at that speed I’d do myself some serious damage, not to mention run the risk of getting trampled. This boy sure has an attitude on him.”

He climbed down, still holding onto the reins.

“That’s all you’d need today, to wind up at the dang hospital.” Ron grimaced. “What about that poor girl of yours?”

“That’s what worried me,” Sam admitted. She hadn’t been far from his mind all day, and he was determined he wouldn’t let anything stand in the way of him picking her up from the station later. He’d already ordered a beautiful bouquet from the florist in Brightside, which he’d collect on his way.

At that thought, he reached for his back pocket. His blood ran cold as he quickly checked the other, not finding his phone in either.

“My cell phone.”

Ron frowned. “I saw you put it into your right-hand pocket earlier.”

“It’s gone. It must have happened when the horse reared.”

“I’ll take him back. You have a good look around. It has to be here somewhere.”

Sam felt his heart hammering as he hurried back to where he’d started, scouring the field on his way. Then he saw it. Or, at least, part of it. Lying in the muddy snow. As he’d feared, it must have slipped out of his pocket while he’d been grappling with the horse.

He picked up the remains and stared at the state of it. Ruined. Just like his chances of seeing Lydia again.

*  *  *

I hope you enjoyed a little preview into the new book. There’s still time to catch up on the rest of the series before its release, if you haven’t already read them.

Until next time, thank you for all your support.

Take Care,

Raine  x

LIST OF LINKS – Raine Rochelle


The Billionaires of Brightside Ranch:

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are doing much better after the accident, Raine. Hugs! And great excerpt.


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