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Monday, December 18, 2023

Merry Christmas!!!


 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!!!

I hope that the holiday season finds everyone happy and healthy. 
Overdosing on Christmas romance books and sappy Hallmark movies is a must this time of year. There has been an abundance of Holiday movies made this year and it's wonderful to see author friends making the leap into getting their books made into movies.

I can't say I've read many Christmas books. Though I have watched a lot of them on Hallmark. My Christmas story listening (audible is my best friend) will be two books by my mom's favorite authors. I've read quite a few Linda Lael Miller books, but never anything by Debbie Macomber. I hear she's a great author though.

I hope the New Year is good to everyone and your best year yet.
With any luck 2024 will be lots of book conferences and travel for me. With any luck I'll have Rimrock Book 3 published and a new Wild Love book published as well.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas, T.K.! All the best to you in 2024. (I have read some of Debbie Macomber's Christmas books and they are good. Happy listening!)


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