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Saturday, January 20, 2024

Valentines Day History

Valentines Day takes place on February 14th. The day is marked by the exchange of romantic gifts, such as cards, flowers, and chocolates, between loved ones. It's a day to express admiration and appreciation for family members, friends, and romantic partners. Did you know the origin of Valentine's Day dates back to ancient Rome? It was a surprise to me. It appears the festival of Lupercalia was celebrated in mid-February. This pagan festival honored the coming of spring and included rituals to promote fertility and purification? Hmm, all this time I thought it was a cupid. As part of this celebration, men and women would draw names from a lottery to form couples and engage in various festivities. Can you imagine this? Research says Christian influence on the holiday can be traced back to the third century when a Roman priest named Valentine defied an edict issued by Emperor Claudius II, which prohibited young men from marrying. Valentine continued to perform marriages for young couples in secret, and he was later executed for his actions. Shocking! Another legend suggests that Valentine, while imprisoned, fell in love with the jailer's daughter and, before his execution, sent her a note signed "From your Valentine," thus popularizing the expression. Over time, Valentine's Day evolved into a celebration of romance, love, and affection. Today, it is celebrated in various countries around the world with customs that include sending greeting cards, giving flowers and gifts, and spending quality time with loved ones. A sad story indeed, yet now we we understand why are day of celebrating our loved ones is called Valentines Day. Here is a sweet short story I have started writing in liu to Valentines Day. I hope to finish it by this Valetines Day.
Title: LOVE is in Bloom In the beautiful city of Paris, a young florist named Juliette dreams of finding true love. She spends her days surrounded by vibrant flowers and helping others express their passion through her artful floral arrangements. However, Juliette has yet to find her own love story. “Why the long face?” asks her best friend and employee Annie as soon as the sweet elderly gentleman who had just bought his wife of sixty-four years a lovely bouquet for their wedding anniversary struggled out the door. Annie is Juliette’s best friend and confidant, but sometimes, she is a little motherly. She is pretty, with cute blond Bob cut hair, big blue eyes, and a smile that brightens her whole face. She is pear-shaped with a little more on the hips than she would prefer. Juliette knows the reason for that is Pierres Bakery across the street from her flower boutique. She knows Annie goes into his bakery at least once daily for her morning pastry and coffee. “I don’t have a long face. I watched Mario make sure he could get out the door safely with the large bouquet of roses he bought for his wife on their sixty-fourth anniversary. You know he comes weekly to buy her flowers, but on their anniversary, he always chooses a mixture of red and yellow roses. Mario says it's because she is his best friend and the love of his life. I find it so romantic, don’t you?” “Yes, he obviously loves her dearly. Juliette, it is no secret to me that you dream of finding your own true love. I promise it will happen.” “You keep saying that. But when? I am ready now. I have a successful business, and thanks to my regulars plus the tourists, I have more savings than I could ever spend. You can manage the shop by yourself, and I could start a family if only the right single man would suddenly appear on his white stallion.” “See, you’re a dreamer. You set your priorities too high. Don’t you think Mario and his wife struggled along the way? No relationship is perfect. And how do you think this Knight on a white horse can find you when you are always in this boutique working? You need to spend time out in the real world.” “What about you and Ronnie? You have a perfect relationship.” “Oh honey, we have a good relationship, yes, but we’re not perfect. He leaves his clothes everywhere and will cook but not clean up his mess. I am a clean freak, you know this, but I love his cooking. Haha. The point is love is hard work and commitment. No relationship is perfect.” “I get that. But I don’t think there is anything wrong with having high standards. I want a man who makes me laugh, is kind but strong. He needs to have strong work ethics and morals. Not a cheater or a liar, nor is he an alcoholic or drug attic. And I want at least three children, so he needs to want and love kids. Is that too much to ask?” “No, he sounds perfect. Haha, but how are you going to find him if you don’t get out? As you pointed out I can run the boutique by myself so why don’t you start taking some afternoons off to go frolic in the city?” “Okay, perhaps I will. There is a problem with this plan, tho.” “What's the problem?” “I need my best friend with me.” Juliette answers with a shy smile. Annie responds with a chuckle. “Okay, just the first couple of times. We can have Angelique run the boutique for a couple of hours till closing. Deal?” “Deal! Let’s start tomorrow afternoon because Angelique is on the schedule. Do you think Ronnie will mind?” “No, he will be happy you are finally getting out to enjoy life.” “Not him too. Does everyone think I am a workaholic?” “Pretty much.”   Chapter Two Just Across the Street Across the street, a charming pastry chef named Pierre operates a cozy bakery filled with the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked pastries. Pierre is known for his delectable treats, but his heart longs for love as sweet as the confections he creates. Turning thirty-five this week he decides it’s time to find this faceless woman of his dreams. “Pierre, where is your mind today? This is the second batch you burned this morning.” Barks his father. Throwing the burnt pastries away. “Oh dang, I guess you are right, my head is not where it is supposed to be.” “Son, you workday and night. Why don’t you take the rest of the day off? Go on an adventure.” His father James says, setting his hand on his son's right shoulder. “Oh, I don’t know about that…” Pierre answers taking off his gloves, but secretly longs for a break. “It is a light load today; we can handle it easily. Now go!” James gave Pierre a slight nudge toward the door. “Okay, okay, I’ll go, but call me if any unexpected big orders come in,” Pierre said, throwing his hands up. “We will,” his father said not meaning a word of it. Pierre works hard and always has and that is why he picked him to take over the bakery when he decided to retire. James still came around to help his son, mostly out of boredom but also because it was in his blood the same as his father who had started the bakery fifty years ago. Pierre had a gift for baking up delicious treats that not only tasted good but looked good too. He had an artistic eye and James knew that is why the bakery went from good to the best bakery in Europe. The problem is now that Pierre is turning thirty-five his mind seems to be somewhere else. His clock is ticking, and he wants a family of his own. He’s a good-looking young man and has had lots of dates, but none of them have stuck around due to him working too much. And it doesn’t help that his mama, my lovely wife, Rosella keeps remarking, “It’s time for you to find a wife and settle down,” every time she saunters by him. Pierre left the bakery feeling strange. What would he do with the afternoon if he wasn’t at work? Everyone he knew was working. Then he remembered that his good long-time friend Callie worked at a nice pub near his Casa. Pierre decided he would go home, work out, then shower. Afterwards he would go to see Callie and eat a late lunch. Two hours later he strolled out of his home towards Callies pub. The sun was bright, and the birds were singing. He felt excited for the first time in a while. Entering the pub, he noticed it was quite busy, and his hopes of visiting Callie began to shrivel. She would be too occupied with customers to visit. He saw an empty spot at the bar and edged over there hoping they could at least catch up a little, and who knows maybe a dark-haired beauty would sit down beside him, he thought. Callie spotted her good friend Pierre as soon as he entered and made her way through the crowd hoping one of the other waitresses didn’t get to him first. She recalled the past before she married Maxwell when she and Pierre were inseparable. They had many good times together. In those days Pierre was the life of the party. The hottest guy in town. The girls had fought for his attention. He never chose one to be his, though. At that point, she thought they might hook up one day. But is wasn’t to be once Maxwell entered the picture and won her heart there was no turning back. Reaching the other side of the counter she poured him a cold one and placed it in front of him saying, “Long time no see, what brings you slumming in the middle of the day, Pierre?” Pierre chuckled, then responded, “I heard they have the hottest waitresses here.” “Damn straight!” Callie said, with a giggle. “It wasn’t really busy today, so I took the afternoon off. I figured I might as well come by this Pub you’re always texting me about and see if the food is as good as you say.” “Well, you are right on. We make the best pizza in town! Here is the menu, be back in a sec.” Callie boasted as she flew off to help another customer. He watched her as she set a couple of women after they entered the pub. One was a beautiful brunette and the other a pretty blonde. As he watched Pierre realized he recognized them from the flower boutique across the street from his bakery. The blond frequented his shop. Annie, he suddenly remembered. The other was the owner of the boutique, Juliette. She never came to his bakery. He recalled how shy she had always been back in school. They never ran in the same circles. “Have you decided?” Callie suddenly snapped him away from his thoughts. “What do you mean?” he snapped, before realizing she was asking what he wanted to order. “Whoa, were you checking out the ladies from the bakery? I saw you watching as I led them to a table. You remember them, right? From school? Wait, their flower boutique is straight across from your bakery. Yeah, you have to know them. Juliette was always on the shy side, remember? I’m surprised she is here this time of day. She is a workaholic just like you.” She rushed off not giving him time to speak. Same old Callie, he thought. He usually liked the fact she carried on most of the conversation, so he didn’t have too. As Callie returned a few moments later he answered, “I remember them both. I wasn’t watching them, silly, I was watching you wondering how long it was going to take for you to come back and take my order,” he said changing the subject. “Uh huh,” she acknowledged knowing him too well. Thinking, is he finally making himself available for love to find him? Then her eyes flew to Juliettes, perhaps I can play the Cupid and get them together. Callie happened to know Juliette was ready for love too. “So, are you ready to order?” “Yes, order me your favorite.” he responded. “Cool, you're going to crave it forever once you’ve tasted it!” Callie spoke up as she put the order in for the cooks. She didn’t miss the fact that he kept glancing over at Juliette’s table, tho. “I’ll let my superior taste buds decide,” Pierre said, then chuckled as she tore off around the counter to take other customers orders. Callie was bound and determined to hook Pierre and Juliette up now that he seemed to be interested in Juliette, and she knew Juliette had been ready to date again for a while and had done nothing about it. Some people just need a little push, she thought. Arriving at the flower ladies’ table, Callie took their order and then stayed around a little longer to put a bug in Juliettes ear. She spoke mostly to Annie knowing Juliette was listening too, then said in a whisper, “By the way, did you girls notice who is sitting up at the bar?” Both heads turned to the bar. “Who?” asked Annie, whose back was to the bar, but Juliette stayed quiet as her eyes went to Pierre at the exact moment, he turned to take another peek at Juliette. Their eyes lingered before he smiled and gave a nod then promptly turned away. Will Juliette and Pierre's love story culminate in a grand gesture that captures the essence of Valentine's Day and their shared passion for romance? Join them on this unforgettable journey of love, laughter, and the unbreakable bonds that blossom when two hearts come together. I hope you enjoyed this preview. Watch for it this Valentines Day! Happy Valentines Day to all of you PS Will you be my Valentine?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing, Ruthie! Hope you get your story finished for Valentine's Day.


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