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Tuesday, February 13, 2024

My Strange Valentine

Ten Valentine Tidbits

 As it is with many of our holidays, the current Valentine's Day came about because Christians were trying to redefine a Pagan holiday. You see the Pagans loved a little violence with their holy days. Things like throwing virgins into volcanos or setting people on fire. The Christians, while not adverse to such activities, preferred to have holidays that didn't require human sacrifies.Therefore we went from having men beat their wives on Valentine's Day to men giving their wives flowers and candy. I think we owe the Christians a debt of gratitude!
Valentine's Day is celebrated around the world in a variety of ways. It's become known as a celebration of fertility and love. Here are some facts about this sweet holiday:

1. Shakespeare romanticzed Valentine's Day by including it in his poems and plays.
2. It became popular in Germany after the end of WWII. Germans made pigs a symbol of the day. Pigs are a sign of good luck and figure into their Valentine's Day gifts. They also give large heart-shaped gingerbread cookies known as lebkuchen to their sweethearts.
3. In parts of Latin American, Valentine's Day is known as El Dia del Amor y Amistad (Day of Love and Friendship).
4. In the 1980s Estonia and Finland began recognizing platonic love and friendship along with romantic love. They meet with friends for dinner and the exchange of gifts.
5. Marriage is celebrated in the Philippines where mass weddings are performed for couples who can't afford their own ceremonies. Thousands of couples tie the knot throughout the country on that day. Not surprisingly, Feb. 14 is the most common wedding anniversary in the Philippines.
6. Chocolates are given to men in Japan. One origin of the tradition is that chocolate manufacturers suggested that women use Valentine's chocolate to confess their romantic feelings. Women give different types of chocolate. There is honmei choco (true feelings), giri choco (obligation, like to classmates or coworkers), and tomo choco (friendly feelings). Women get their gifts on March 14, White Day. That's when men return the favor with sweetheart gifts.
7. The first heart-shaped box of chocolates was sold in 1861. It was created by Richard Cadbury.
8. American households spend about $750 million on Valentine's gifts for their pets.
9. Conversation hearts began as medical lozenges, used for sore throats. A pharmacist invented a machine that simplified the way they were made, then he realized that he could use it to make candy, so he opened Necco --New England Confectionery Company. In 1866 sweet messages were added to them. The first ones were longer and on large lozenges. "Married in white you have chosen right." "How long shall I have to wait? Please be considerate."
10. The first Valentine was sent in the 15th Century from the Tower of London where French Duke Charles was imprisoned. He wrote to his wife: "I am already sick of love. My very gentle Valentine."

No matter how you celebrate it, Valentine's Day is all above love. Here's hoping this day brings all the love your heart can hold!


1 comment:

  1. Love these trivia facts about Valentine's Day. Thanks for sharing Deborah.


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