Author Pages

Monday, February 19, 2024

Unexpected New Book!


 February has been great in the romance department. An unexpected creative spark has brought about a new book. Though it would be great if I could finish older books. 

Book 5 in the Wild Love Series was not something I had planned. But two sub characters in Outlaw's Redemption finally demanded that their story be told.

A good friend read Outlaw's Redemption and wanted to know when the book about Jaron and Marti was coming out. I had to break her heart and tell her I wasn't planning on a book for them. And I wasn't. Until...

Two years later, I had this random thought about Jaron and Marti while I was at work. That nightshift, I pulled out my microphone and dictated my ideas. The next night I did the same thing. Soon their story was flowing.

It was a crazy breakthrough for me! I've been struggling for the past few years to get writing done. My creativity is hiding behind a door somewhere. Jaron and Marti kicked down the door and the words flowed.

I'm happy to say the book is almost ready to become a rough draft. I have to fill in a few places and rearrange a few things. After that I can go through it and get it in rough draft form.

My friend is so thrilled that I'm writing about Marti and Jaron, and she can't wait to read it.

A rough synopsis...

Marti Barkley, a determined young woman who sets out for Boston to pursue her dream of becoming a doctor, seeking refuge from a heart-wrenching tragedy. However, her return takes a perilous turn when her train is ambushed, thrusting her into a dangerous situation. To her surprise, the one who emerges as her rescuer is none other than Jaron Wolf, the man who had once shattered her heart.

Jaron, grappling with long-held anger and the pain of Marti's departure, embarks on a daring mission to rescue her. As Marti finds safety in his arms once again, Jaron discovers that his love for her remains unwavering. Throughout the perilous journey home, Jaron strives to convince Marti that their love can transcend past heartaches, believing they are destined to be together.

However, Marti, guarded by a deeply hidden pain, is reluctant to let Jaron back into her heart. Her emotional barriers create a challenge for Jaron, who is determined to unravel the layers of her pain and prove that their love is worth reclaiming.

Returning Love is a touching tale of resilience, forgiveness, and the enduring power of love, as Marti and Jaron navigate through danger and emotional barriers, rediscovering each other against the backdrop of a perilous journey and the mending of once-broken hearts.

If you are interested in learning about Marti and Jaron, you can read about them in Outlaw's Redemption.  A book that I'm happy to say has achieved another award!

A promise made to a dying man brought Boone Cain to the town of Rimrock. Four years of war had left scars on his body and soul and years of drifting had turned him into a dangerous gunman. He had been prepared for a lot in fulfilling his promise, but he hadn’t been prepared for Leslie Barkley. She melted the ice surrounding his heart and his need for her could make keeping his promise extremely difficult. Getting involved with her was something he couldn’t let happen, but his need for her could win and put her in danger.

Leslie’s gift of premonitions had not warned her about the gunman that came to her boardinghouse looking for a place to stay. Nor had it warned her of the trouble that would follow this handsome, haunted man. Though Leslie had never met Boone before, he is familiar to her. A past premonition? This secretive gunman is connected to her in a way she never imagined and the truth will test her feelings for him.

 Can they put the past to rest and live the lives they were destined for?

I've enjoyed writing the Wild Love Series. I love each book.


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the breakthrough of a new story, T.K.! Sounds like a good one.


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