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Tuesday, March 12, 2024

National Women's History Month - A Look Back on Suffrage

Post by Doris McCraw

aka Angela Raines 

The Apotheosis of Suffrage
From the Library of Congress

March is National Women's History Month. In honor of the month, I'm taking a look back at what the papers were saying in the late 1800s.

From the Rocky Mountain News March 9, 1889, on Women's Suffrage

From that same publication of March 14, 1885

The Colorado Banner January 13, 1876

The Colorado Weekly Chieftain April 28, 1870

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As Always,

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, 



  1. Hi Doris: Just like Colorado does today, they double-talked back then, too, lol. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Nice research. Julie, I was thinking the same thing!

  3. Julie, Some things never change people specifically. LOL. Doris

  4. This slice of history is fascinating to me. The women were so brave and steely. The arguments from the men echo the ones we hear today when senators discuss women's issues. Like the senator who said that women can't get pregnant when they are raped because their bodies know and reject that semen.

  5. Deborah, it is a subject that has been going on, especially when it comes to wanting power over others. Make them feel less and you have won. Doris


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