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Monday, March 25, 2024

Ruby’s Redemption

Ruby’s Redemption is the fourth of my holiday collection and I am delighted to announce it will be available on March twenty-eighth! Preorder is available now. Some Background I chose the names of the main characters as Ruby and Willis after my grandparents on my fathers side of the family. I always loved their names and especially how they sound together. Here is a sample. CHAPTER ONE Evil Strikes Nestled in the heart of Southwest Arkansas, the Hanson farm was a beehive of activity during the day and silent and reflective at night. The moonlight glistened on a timeworn barn that sagged under the weight of memories and years of service. The whispering wind carried secrets through its rusted eaves. The land had seen generations of toil, love, and strife. Soaked with sweat and tears, the soil continued to nourish and support a hard-working family of six. Like their predecessors, the Hanson family struggled to keep the operation afloat. Their labor was an outgrowth of love for the land and cherished tradition held dear by all. On a moonless night, when shadows clung to the ancient oaks, a malevolent force invaded, careful not to stir man or beast. Spurned love fueled his raging desire as he crept through the inky darkness. As he approached the farmhouse, the epicenter of his torment, footprints marked the dew-kissed grass. Ruby, the oldest of three Hanson daughters, was the object of Shawn Sheridan’s unholy obsession. They dated briefly at the University of Arkansas, but Ruby rejected his affections without a word of condolence or sorrow. She dropped out of school and returned to the miserable farm in Pyatt. He followed her to the farm community, hoping to rekindle the romance that consumed his soul. Not only Ruby rejected him. So did her family. Her father banished Shawn from their property under threat of arrest. The patriarch erected a wall of protection for his daughter that Sheridan could not penetrate. He would show them, though. If he couldn’t have Ruby, nobody would. Like a thief in the night, his heart pounded as he approached the two-story residence. He carried two cans of gasoline. One contained vengeance, the other despair. They were a volatile mix. The flashlight in his pocket cast a feeble glow, revealing the gnarled path ahead. His breath hitched, and he whispered, “Ruby is mine.” Inside, the family slept blissfully, unaware of the impending conflagration that brewed outside. A single match, the evil accomplice of a demented mind, unleashed its fury. Fiery lips, eager to devour everything they touched, feasted eagerly on century-old lumber. Hot and insidious flames and black smoke slithered upward. They consumed the first floor before infiltrating the upper level. Thick smoke stole breath, silenced dreams, and claimed five souls before the flames ever reached them. Shawn watched from below, waiting for his beloved Ruby to come to a window and seek his help. Neither she nor any of the Hansons sought to escape, however. The arsonist’s hopes turned to fear when the flames engulfed the roof. The tragic loss of life struck hard for a brief moment. Then, the demons assured Shawn the family got what they deserved. Sirens sounded as he laid a burning ember to the ancient barn. He was laughing as he ran to escape the flaming scene. Fire Marshal Ryan White saw Sheridan’s pickup racing away, and it did not take long to match the license plate to the man who reaped such carnage. The entire farm was hopelessly ablaze when the Volunteer Fire Department finally arrived. Firefighters stood as stoic witnesses to the evil of humankind. From the charred remnants, they recovered five bodies. The sixth, Ruby Hanson, was not one of them. CHAPTER TWO New Acquaintances Fifteen years later In the rolling hills of Arkansas, Ruby Hanson, a dedicated farmer with a gentle spirit, finds solace in the peaceful rhythms of nature. She lovingly manages the land that has been home to her family for generations. Ruby dreams of better times and shedding the tormented past that clouds her path to a happy future. Beep! Beep! The car horn blares, bringing Ruby out of her miasma. Grabbing her purse and keys, she leaves her home, sprinting to her friend Holly’s truck. “Good afternoon, Holly. Thanks for picking me up,” she says. “No problem, Ruby. Like I have told you many times before, it saves gas money when we carpool. Are you excited about Eleanor’s party tonight?” Holly asked as she stepped on the gas. “It is a barbecue, not a party,” Ruby answered, clicking her seatbelt. “Same thing. Quit avoiding the question, Ruby,” Holly insisted, knowing Ruby liked to avoid topics that make her uncomfortable. “Truthfully, not really. If Eleanor had not ordered fruit and vegetables from me, I would not be going.” Holly rolled her eyes. “What? You know I do not care for big gatherings,” Ruby explained. “Eleanor is our friend, and the rest of the guests will be friends, too,” Holy replied. “Have you seen the guest list?” “No, why?” “It’s huge! You would think it was a wedding reception.” Their eyes twinkled with the joy their smiles reflected. “Hmm, I did not realize that. Do you think it finally happened?”f “That Chuck has proposed!” Ruby asked. “It is about darn time if he has!” Holly added. The two best friends agreed cheerfully, and the rest of the ride was filled with happy chatter for their good friend,Eleanor. They shared her hopes and dreams for a blissful future. CHAPTER THREE The Gathering Mingling, Holly went from guest to guest while Ruby clung in her shadow. Holly was a social butterfly, beaming as she chatted. Ruby enjoyed letting her do most of the talking. Many of Eleanor’s guests were old friends and customers atRuby’s fruit and vegetable stand, where Holly worked. Ruby did the bookkeeping and farming while Holly, with her gift for gab, focused on sales. Ruby enjoyed the gathering but was most interested in partaking of the delicious-smelling food. She chose an empty table, and Holly quickly joined her. “I have not had this much fun in ages. Have you?” Holly asked Ruby while taking a seat. “I am enjoying it more than I thought I would,” Ruby answered truthfully before taking a bite of the potato salad. “Yum! This potato salad is delicious.” Holly quickly tasted hers and added, “It is nice and creamy. I wonder if Eleanor made it. I need the recipe.” “Yeah, me too!” agreed Ruby. Across the crowd, a handsome cowboy spotted Ruby, a true beauty with long honey-kissed hair. His breath caught. He smiled as romantic thoughts warmed his heart, making his majestic gray eyes sparkle. Local rancher, Willis Dunton, maneuvered through the tables with his plate and grabbed a chair beside the two close friends. He hoped he might strike up a conversation. He had just taken a seat when Pastor James suddenly appeared and sat across the table from him. “Good afternoon, Willis,” the reverend said, reaching to shake the rancher’s hand. “Hello, James, it is good to see you,” the rancher said, dropping his fork on his plate. “I am happy to see you as well. And I have a proposition for you,” Pastor James said “What do you need?” The priest chuckled and said, “I won’t beat around the bush…” “That’s best; I do not have much time,” Willis replied before he could finish. “As you know, Easter is coming soon. Well, I would like to have the stage and stairs remodeled. I am afraid the stairs might collapse on Easter morning because of the large crowd we expect. While we are at it, we should do the entire kit and caboodle.” Willie’s eyes narrowed. The man had saved him when he was riding a rocky trail. He could not deny James anything he needed. “That would be terrible,” Willis said. “What do you think? Is it possible before the holiday? I realize you are busy with your ranch. I will get volunteers to help you.” “You can stop trying to convince me. I will be by tomorrow afternoon to assess the damage. If you want the remodel done by Easter, I must start immediately.” “You are forthright and a blessing, my friend. I admire that about you. Thank you.” “No thanks needed. I am always happy to help,” James knew Willis well. He sensed he was attracted to Ruby because his eyes kept moving toward her. Willis worked too hard and seldom took time for a social life. He needed to find someone special to provide substance to his existence. Ruby was a sweet but troubled member of his congregation. He guessed Willis would be a good influence on her. Perhaps he could help her get over her troubled past. So far, his efforts had failed. He seized the opportunity to introduce them. “Ruby, it is good to see you,” James said, turning to her. “Pastor James, I did not know you were coming.” “Excuse me for intruding. I snuck in on my friend, Willis,” James said and chuckled. “Oh, where are my manners?Have you two met?” Both of the women shook their heads. Willis and Ruby turned to look at each other. Something magical happened when their eyes locked. Neither knew what it was, but it was more than a casual attraction. “Well, let me be the first to make your introduction then. Ladies, this is my good friend, Willis Dunton. He owns a ranch up north of town. Willis, these two women are members of my congregation. Ruby Hanson owns a fruit and vegetable farm and operates a stand in town. Her lovely friend, Holly Stanford, works at Ruby’s fruit stand. Willis removed his cowboy hat and reached his hand to Ruby. As their hands slid together, Ruby felt electric pulses down her spine. Willis wouldn’t allow her to pull away. He cupped her hand in both of his and said, “It is nice to meet you, Miss Ruby. “ Breathlessly, she whispered, “Likewise.” I hope you enjoyed this sample of Ruby’s Redemption enough to want to continue reading to the end. Find it on Amazon! Here is the link. I hope you enjoy a wonderful Easter filled with love, joy, and family. Remember the reason we celebrate! Be kind to all you meet! xoxoxo


  1. Congratulations on your upcoming release, Ruthie! Wishing you much success.

  2. Thank you, Julie. I wish you the same for your new release!❤️


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