Author Pages

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Knocked Up by the Country Singer by Rhonda Lee Carver

 Hi, y'all! I have a new pre-order. Knocked Up by the Country Singer will be released 4/30/2024. Grab your copy now so it scoots right into your ereader that day.

Pre-order here!

He left her at the altar to pursue his dreams of becoming a country music star. Ten years later, he returns home and faces his high school sweetheart who has a child with his brother. Turns out, she has a secret of her own.

Single mother, Dr. Milani Vance, has stayed focused on raising her daughter and growing her career as a pediatrician. Her past is in the rearview mirror until he strolls back into the small town, Whiskey Fork, and sends her life into a vortex.

Joseph Wayne has it all. Career, money, freedom. What more could he want?

He’s about to find out because an old flame burns anew. She has a secret that’ll turn his life upside down and spurring him into asking her to marry him. After all, a cowboy takes responsibility for what’s his. Unfortunately, he has a few fences to mend before Milani will find forgiveness.

She’s never stopped loving Joseph. Even after he’d broken her heart. Will she marry him and risk having her heart broken a second time? Or does a single mother, small town doctor have no place in a star’s life?


Her eyes filled with tears. Pain mixed with disbelief and disgust twisted her expression.

He knew then she’d never forgive him. Not in a lifetime.

Her arms dropped to her sides and her hands were drawn into tight fists.

“You couldn’t have told me this a year ago? Why did you ask me to marry you? Why did you allow me to plan our wedding? To get my mom’s dress altered.” She touched the delicate lace.

He shoved his fingers through his hair, feeling a surge of contempt for himself for hurting her. How could he ever expect her to understand. “I love you, Milly. That won’t change.”

“Don’t you dare!” Her voice broke. “Don’t you dare say those words to me ever again. You lost the privilege the second you decided to leave me at the altar. Any man who loves a woman would never do what you’ve done. You have had plenty of opportunities to make this choice over the last year. This is selfish. You’re selfish! You never loved me. The man I loved never existed.”

“Don’t say that. I know this is messed up. I know you’re hurt. But you’re logical. You know this is for the best. Deep down I know you do. One day maybe we can—”

“No! There is no second chance or one day for us, Joseph,” she said eerily low.

He reached out to take her hand and she backed away.

“I understand, but I won’t change my mind. I’ve made it and, I’m sure.”

She blinked, repulsion burning in her eyes. “I’m glad you made this decision. I wouldn’t want to be married to someone like you. You don’t deserve me and your—” She caught herself.


 She gave her head a shake as if to dislodge her train of thought. “You don’t care about anyone but yourself. You think you only hurt me? What about our families? Our friends? Those who believed in us. You’re a jerk Joesph Wayne and I hope I never have to lay eyes on you again!”

Hell, what could he say?


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