Author Pages

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

My very first post....

...and this is totally my fault !  I should have posted a couple months ago on my day but you know, life happens.

Anywho, i'm so glad to be a new member to Cowboy Kisses !

I am a wife to a really ornery man and mother of 4 high energy kids ranging from 8 to 14.  We are a blended family, my stepdaughter(left pic, bottom right corner) and my 3 have had a bit of adjusting over the last few years but we love them dearly.  They do however, test me on a daily basis :)

As far as my writing history, i guess i started sometime around 2007 to 2008.  After a few houses closed after contracts got signed, i published  short stories with Turquoise Morning Press.  They have since all been reverted back to me so those will be re-writes and submit !  I also have three current works....

Western Escape line at Decadent Publishing    

Harper's Wish from Roane Publishing

Second Nature from The Wild Rose Press

I definitely have a few(20 or 30) WIP's but i think the one furthest along is Morgan's Mountain, a Montana Series book set to go to Roane Publishing.  Of course there are also follow-ups in process for both the other two above as well.

In addition to being an author, i also run a promotion company called Bridging the Gap Promotions.

With all that said and a handful of kids, it's a wonder i have any free time lol.

Feel free to visit me anytime at my Cowboy Kisses author page and feel free to shout out your hello's right on this post !  I promise the next time i blog here, i'll be all Western :)

Have a great day and happy reading !!



  1. Welcome, Krista. I think we all know life can be a little unpredictable at times, but I am certainly glad to have you as one of the group. Looking forward to your next blog already, and the things you've learned from researching your work. Yep...being a western historical author sure makes us smarter about a lot of things we never expected to know. :)


  2. Welcome, Krista. You have a lovely family and I'm glad you introduced us to them. I look forward to learning more about you. I had several books with The Wild Rose Press, and loved working with them. I make more royalties on my own, so I self-publish now. Best wishes for your career.

  3. Thanks so much Ginger. Sorry it took me so long to post :) I'm working on the next post now :) Oh how i love sheriffs!!!

  4. Thanks so much for the welcome Caroline ! I'm thrilled to be here. I do enjoy The Wild Rose Press and hope to have more with them in the near future ! I do like how you make more royalties on your own tho and i've often thought about self pubishing !

  5. Hi Krista: Nice to meet you. You have a beautiful family!


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