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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Wranglers and Levi's OH MY! Why I love blue jeans...

Here's a tease of the best looking man in a pair of jeans.  *sigh*

King George!  And no one looks better in Wranglers!

As you know, I live in East Texas.  Lindale to be exact.  Yes, Miranda Lambert's hometown and no I've never met her. But her folks still live here and I've heard she is super sweet.  But this post is about blue jeans.  More specifically, Wranglers and Levi's.

Here's is the Wikipedia version of the history of Levi's.  Didn't want to bore you with the length.'s

Of course, any man in a pair of low slung, button up fly Levi's is a winner in my book.  Something about how the material just molds to a man's body.  *sigh*  Blue jeans were made out of necessity and through the decades, they have been traded between countries, worn either too skinny or baggy.  Seriously, no one wants to see your skivy's.  But the truth of the matter is that they are still around today and worn but just about everybody on the planet.  I still have a pair of button up fly jeans that I swear one day, I will wear again.  I bet Mr. Strauss didn't think that they would be a part of our every day life when he invented them.

I would be remiss to include why I think Wranglers are the best jeans for men to wear.  They just cup a butt so beautifully.  Living in Texas, I see every style, shape and color of jeans.  But I'm still a sucker for a cowboy in a pair of iron creased Wranglers with a pearl button shirt and cowboy hat.

I dare you to disagree!
Its the softness of the cloth, they way it hugs the body and best of all...they can be worn anywhere and no one will care.  Women will stare and men will be envious but through it all, nothing beats a pair of Wranglers.

Join me next month when I talk about Lindale, Texas.  And yes, I might throw in a bit about Ms. Lambert.


  1. I have seen George perform many times, and he always looks great. Love him and my Wranglers!

  2. I used to have a license plate frame that said, "Wrangler Butts Drive Me Nuts." They still do. :)

    Enjoyed your post.

  3. Cute post, Harlie. I'd hate to be without my blue jeans.

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