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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Picturing One Good Cowboy

One of my favorite hobbies is taking pictures of the cowboys I know. Since I am a cowgirl, bred and born, it’s not difficult to find models. One of my favorite subjects is my pop. He is extremely photogenic and was a member of the SAG (Screen Actors Guild) at one time. Although he was never an actor, he has been in commercials and print ads for beer and cigarettes—a natural fit for him because he loves both!

Below are a sample of some of my favorite shots!

I have never had a fancy or expensive camera. Just small, inexpensive cameras, but ones that have taken some really nice shots over the years.


 Two good cowboys!


High above the Colorado Timberline


Figure 3 Gathering cattle Cimarron, Colorado

swinging a rope

watchin' for strays

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