Author Pages

Thursday, March 17, 2016


Today and the 19th we are fortunate to have as our guest Amanda A. Brooks, a very prolific author from the look of this series, and more western reads you can find on her Amazon page, using the link below. Welcome, Amanda.  We're glad to have you here at Cowboy Kisses.

Amanda A. Brooks has been writing romance novels since the age of fourteen. In 2009, she decided to self-publish. Never without a book in her hand or bag, Amanda is an avid reader of romance and true crime (especially of stories from the 1960's). She is always thinking of unique ideas for her stories. Amanda resides in Southern California.

Amanda A. Brooks is the creator/author of the THUNDER MOUNTAIN BRIDES Series - which can be ordered in paperback and e-book on her amazon Author's page at

Thunder Mountain Brides - the new ten-book Western Romance Series by
Amanda A. Brooks - set in 1880's Colorado - takes us back to a time
when life was lawless, and anything but simple.

Thunder Mountain Brides takes us back to a time when the three things
that mattered most were family, community, and love.

Thunder Mountain Brides takes us back to a time when the strength and
character of a woman defied the rules of society, and challenged the
heart of a man.



  1. Howdy, Cowboy Kisses!!! :) Thank You for having me!!! :) Hope you have some comments and questions for me to answer regarding my THUNDER MOUNTAIN BRIDES Series! :) -Amanda A. Brooks

  2. Hi Amanda,
    Welcome to Cowboy Kisses. Don't expect too many comments as people seem to be too busy to leave them, but i can tell you how many views you've had at the end of the day. :)

  3. THANK YOU, Ginger!!! :) People will probably be getting sloshed on St. Paddy's Day, but hope there'll be a few comments! :)

  4. My THUNDER MOUNTAIN BRIDES Facebook page is:

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hope everyone checks out my ten-book Western Romance Series, THUNDER MOUNTAIN BRIDES! :) If you get the books, please let me know that you do either on my Facebook page or at!!! :)



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