Author Pages

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Best Gifts of All

I've been honored to be a guest contributor on Cowboy Kisses. For me, it has been a dream come true to share information and stories with you, the reader. As this year draws to a close, I want to wish each and every one of you the merriest of holidays and a prosperous new year.

I am working on my second pony express story, Always, Stone. It was scheduled to be released just before Christmas unfortunately life did get in the way. So I am working on it now hoping to have it out in a few short weeks. Writing about the Pony Express has been exciting. I love the historical backdrop and their daring feats. Little was really written about these brave young men, but what we can find is used to create fiction. I hope the reader will enjoy these last few tales my writing partner Reine Torres and I will bring you.

I am also writing some short contemporary stories under my pen name, Tessa Berkley. These stories are set in a fictional town of Cactus Gulch. So far we've had a baby left on a doorstep and in January, a young woman returns home to find her place at her father's side. She hopes she can keep the man of her dreams from finding out the child she has is his. Left once, she doesn't want to break her heart again.

I have been truly blessed this year to have you the reader at my side. I can't thank the owners of  Cowboy Kisses enough for their encouragement and help as I make this journey through publication. So from my house to yours, a very merry New  Year. Welcome 2018 may you bring only joy and happiness to all.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

                                     Painting by the wonderful cowboy artist, Charlie Russell.


  1. And I tried to schedule it to come out. sigh. Happy reading y'all.


  2. We love you, too, Nan! Happy New Year to you and your family.


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