Author Pages

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


 Post by Doris McCraw writing as Angela Raines

For my scheduled second Tuesday, which is really early this month, I thought I'd share some news clippings from the past. Hope you enjoy stories from yesteryear.

Comanche National Grasslands
Photo property of the author

First up is a piece on etiquette according to Mark Twain. (I confess to a love of Twain, in part because he grew up about seventy miles from my hometown.)

Twain in 1871
photo from Wikipedia

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From the Rocky Mountain News, Nov. 23, 1866

And what people thought was humorous in the 1880s, well, I leave it to you to decide.

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From the Sun, Gunnison County, March 22, 1884

And lastly a look at corsets, that piece of the wardrobe we sometimes love and hate. Image a life where this is part of the daily routine. 

Victorian Corsets ~ Free Vintage Clip Art | Clip art vintage, Steampunk  images, Victorian corset

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Aspen Daily Chronicle September 5, 1888

Doris Gardner-McCraw -
Author, Speaker, Historian-specializing in
Colorado and Women's History
Angela Raines - author: Telling Stories Where Love & History Meet


  1. I love this post, Doris. I'm a big fan of Mark Twain. Amazing how clear that photograph is all these years later. I love your photograph of those cliffs. That is exactly the kind of hiding place I envision for my latest wip. I would love to go exploring there. You always entertain as you inform, Doris.

  2. Thank you, Elizabeth. The cliffs are in the Comanche National Grasslands near the area around Bent's fort and LaJunta, CO. The same grasslands also have a canyon with dinosaur footprints.

    I also am a big fan of Twain, but then I grew up near his hometown. LOL.

    Thank you for your kind words. Doris


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