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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

About Thanksgiving by Rhonda Frankhouser


A bit of a history lesson while celebrating my favorite holiday of year. 

What is thought to be the first Thanksgiving was very different than the modern version. The three day gathering in 1620, between Plymouth settlers and the Wampanoag Indians, was a feast that brought two very different cultures together in brotherhood. The pilgrims who arrived on the Mayflower, made up of religious separatists and those seeking the promise of prosperity, set sail from England, seeking freedom in the New World. The Wampanoag Indians, native to the New England area, the accommodating hosts.

They feasted on fowl, fish and venison, vegetables and fruits, including pumpkin and summer squash. For all, it was a time to celebrate their bounty and learn about one another. Not only did they appreciate what brought them together, but also their vast differences and experience. 

* * *

Though the food part of Thanksgiving is a-mazing, I've always believed the true blessing of Thanksgiving is the gathering of people I love. The laughter. The togetherness. The sounds of your forever voices chattering loudly. The chatter you 'think' will last forever.

Every year, I found reason to be thankful sitting around that table of loved ones. Thankful for the unconditional love they always offered, no matter what burdens they might be carrying of their own. Thankful to make the traditional dishes that made everyone smile. I never thought that one day, we would all be scattered to the wind, too distant to gather. Some of the anchors of that love and celebration are now gone. Others pulled away by responsibilities. And now, the terror of the pandemic ruining the relaxed, calmness we all shared in the shelter of our family.  

As I age and begin to lose those who were so central to my young life, I find that I have even more reasons to be thankful than I had before. Some silly, some serious, but all instilled in me by history and tradition. 

These are some of the reasons I am thankful.

  1. I'm thankful my father woke me every summer morning at 6am to work in the garden.
  2. I'm thankful my mother watched over me while I learned to zigzag a hem, and finally make a pan of lumpless gravy.
  3. I'm thankful my brother taught me how to play "Proud Mary" on the guitar and gave me the most honest hugs on the planet.
  4. I'm thankful my sister taught me how to tie my shoes and make home made cinnamon rolls from scratch.
  5. I'm thankful for my grandparents who found blessings in every new sprout of corn and sweet orange from their trees. 
  6. I'm thankful for a husband who inspires me and loves me, unconditionally.
  7. I'm thankful for my step-daughters who accept me for who I am.
  8. I'm thankful for friends who listen and offer quiet support.
  9. I'm thankful for music that soothes, words that inspire, art that brings tears, and love that sustains my soul.

What are you thankful for? 

I hope you all have an amazing Thanksgiving. Do yourself a favor and look at the smiling faces around your Thanksgiving table this year. Count your blessings and make sure they all know how important they are to you. Someday you too will only have memories to be thankful for.  

Award-winning author, Rhonda Frankhouser, pens stories with beloved ghosts, twisted mysteries, and timeless love. Her favorite genres are Western and Contemporary Romance, with the occasional mainstream tear-jerker to keep things interesting. Rhonda's Ruby's Ranch Series, earned a starred review in Publisher's Weekly; a Win in the 2020 Uncaged Raven award as well as finalist honors in the Raven Awards; a second runner up in the prestigious InD'Tale Magazine RONE awards and a Book and Benches, Reviewers Top Pic ~ Books of Distinction award. Her follow up Shadowing Souls Series and Let Yourself Believe Series, have captured the attention of both romance and mainstream readers alike. After a lifetime in Central California, Rhonda and her own knight in shining armor, moved to beautiful Northeast Georgia to embark on a brand new journey.

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Check out the Ruby's Ranch Series


  1. Beautifully said, Rhonda! Hugs and Happy Thanksgiving to you an yours.

  2. Thanksgiving isn't going to be quite the same this year, but I'm certainly thankful for family. :-)

  3. Our Thanksgiving will be different this year. To keep our love ones safe from the virus, just the two of us. It has changed so many times over the years for many reasons, but we adjust to who is here, who can't because of distance or those who are no longer with us. This year we will be thankful for our home, the food on our table and for our health as well as the health of each of our love ones, celebrating Thanksgiving in their homes.

  4. In the overall scheme of things, there is so much to be thankful for. Of all the holidays, Thanksgiving is the nearest to my heart. Giving thanks every day and celebrating the gift of life is special.

    Thank you for the timely post. Doris


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